The point is that, this is entering an area where government has never entered and that becomes alarming.
Bingo! Ding Ding Ding! Finally someone, and I figured Facetious would be the one, who understands what I'm saying.
Yes, chef, that does affect
people here. Who's to say one of us, or one of our kids, won't ever grow up to be an executive of a corporation whose pay is (gasp!) dictated by their government in a
supposedly capitalist country. And if you don't think executive pay might only be the start of private salary regulation, then think again.
Temporary Income Tax to fund depression recovery anyone?
It is apparent by a number of the above posts that we are greatly losing sight of what a free, capitalist society is all about. To even suggest that the
government should have anything to do with the amount of
money anyone earns at their job is a horrifying thought. The only thing more horrifying is a
government taking money from it's citizens and
handing it to private corporations who have overwhelmingly demonstrated a grave inability to succeed in their chosen line of work. That rational individuals whose intellect exceeds that of the mentally retarded, are posting that that concept is remotely acceptable only tells me that the
brainwashing of the American public is well on schedule. Congratulations Mr. Obama and your gang of merry thieves, your are fooling us all!
Lest we forget the basis of this nation. My main point is that
$800 billion given to private corporations by a government should never even have been discussed. Remember where that $800 BILLION came from. It came from
you, and
me, and everyone else who's put their heart and soul into
WORKING to make their OWN way in life, without the goddamn help of some
publicly funded institution having a single goddamn hand in telling them how to live. If that $800 billion is available to toss around to corporate greed machines in the first place, then don't give it to them.
GIVE IT BACK TO THOSE YOU TOOK IT FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE! And let those who earned that money decided where it goes. If they decide to spend it with those failing companies, and those companies turn themselves around, then so be it.
Let the people decide, by way of freedom of choice, with whom they will do business. THAT is the basis of a free society.
The America I used to know is LONG GONE and forgotten. This economy is being artificially dictated by it's government, we have reached the antithesis of capitalism. This country now officially sucks.
That those corporations will be subject to an intrusive and highly misguided government oversight is merely an afterthought to a concept that should never even be considered in a capitalist country.