The transformation to socialism is now complete

Obama imposes limits on your wages. In a short 233 years the United States has gone from a free republic whose government was established to protect its borders from threats to its security and those who threaten to tax its citizens without representation to a country whose government pilfers the wealth of its citizens and redistributes that wealth in a myriad of misguided, oppressive ways.

How would you like YOUR money handled by YOUR government?
You haven't a clue as to what it's like to live under real socialism.
I've always voted against socialist parties because on the whole their policies don't work very well and they aren't the people to be put in charge.But that isn't to say that some things don't benefit from it. The military for example wouldn't be better in private hands with shareholders.I enjoy free health care which removes a load of worries and anxiety from everybody.This has to be paid for.
It was supposed to be a fucking poll, but apparently I took to long putting thought into the poll questions I could ask. So here fucking goes:

1. Sure, throw the money around but dictate to private companies how much they can pay their people.

2. Yeah, give the money but let private corporations pay their people however they see fit.

3. Save the $800 billion for national defense and future tax cuts to allow people to keep more of THEIR income. Let failing private companies die.

4. Wait. There's $800 billion to GIVE AWAY? How 'bout GIVING IT BACK to those who you pilfered it from: The taxpaying public.
Obama said. “But what gets people upset — and rightfully so — are executives being rewarded for failure. Especially when those rewards are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.”

Ummmm.. Isn't that exactly what your doing when you throw money at companies who through their own willful decision making have displayed a propensity to make poor decisions?. Man, he's been in office less than a month and some of the shit he says is already scaring the hell out of me.

Hey Aurora, how about just go away, and return to your game of Halo 3, okay?
From the above link.

"Obama imposes limits on executive pay
$500,000 cap would apply to those getting ‘exceptional’ bailout assistance

updated 31 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama on Wednesday imposed $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with “executives being rewarded for failure.”

Obama announced the dramatic new government intervention into corporate America at the White House, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at his side. The president said the executive-pay limits are a first step, to be followed by the unveiling next week of a sweeping new framework for spending what remains of the $700 billion financial industry bailout that Congress created last year.

The executive-pay move comes amid a national outcry over huge bonuses to executives heading companies seeking taxpayer dollars to remain afloat. The demand for limits was reinforced by revelations that Wall Street firms paid more than $18 billion in bonuses in 2008 even amid the economic downturn and the massive infusion of taxpayer dollars."

Were talking capping executive pay for the companies who have taken our tax dollars in the bail outs at $500,000.Overwhelmingly most americans think thats a good idea and I agree.These corporate types need to be reinged in for their excesses of pay,bonuses etc when they take "our" money especially.Why should the average american tax payer be subsidizing such pay?


Hiliary 2020
Ok here are my concerns on this:

“This is America. We don’t disparage wealth. We don’t begrudge anybody for achieving success,” Obama said. “But what gets people upset — and rightfully so — are executives being rewarded for failure. Especially when those rewards are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.”
Especially when?
Or ONLY when.
1 word changes the whole meaning of that statement.

I also wonder how is the GOV gonna monitor all this?
That will probably cost many billions right there, another excuse for more taxing and more spending?

The administration also will propose long-term compensation restrictions even for companies that don’t receive government assistance, Obama said.

Well there it is.
This isn't just about making sure companies arent squandering the bailout funds but about government interfering with private business.

I don't know if that last part is good or bad.
I'm inclined think bad.
Of course when a few top people get ridiculous amounts of money from a corporation it seems alot of it would be better put back within the companies and to its shareholders.......buttttttttt, then again if the shareholders don't like it they can sell and shop elsewhere.
And if we are gonna cap ceo's in private biz, why stop there.
cap actors, athletes, politicians, ect ect

So when is he gonna double the capital gains tax like he said he would?


Communism will work, it just hasn't been applied properly, nor has it been employed by the most righteous of people. :dunno:

C'mon Pete ! Don't you want a nanny state of washed up, tax evading, democritics to control every facet of your life ?

Acquiesce at once !! Or else !! :ak47: :( <-Pete • :violent:

An over regulated militia is me !


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Obama imposes limits on your wages. In a short 233 years the United States has gone from a free republic whose government was established to protect its borders from threats to its security and those who threaten to tax its citizens without representation to a country whose government pilfers the wealth of its citizens and redistributes that wealth in a myriad of misguided, oppressive ways.

How would you like YOUR money handled by YOUR government?

This doesn't effect anybody here.

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama on Wednesday imposed $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with “executives being rewarded for failure.”

He's putting a cap on their salary, and their salary alone, just so they don't give themselves millions of dollars worth of bonuses, even though they are crying out for financial help.
Peter, whatever your opinion on this, it isn't socialism. It's a very reasonable limitation on the earnings of the heads of many of the companies who are to some degree responsible for the financial mess that is costing people their jobs. If these companies were so opposed to "government interference" they would have refused the bailout money and let their businesses collapse. But they didn't do that, did they? So it's only reasonable that the executives should expect to have to give something in return. And really, $500,000 is still a shitload of money. Does anyone really feel sorry for them?


He's putting a cap on their salary, and their salary alone, just so they don't give themselves millions of dollars worth of bonuses, even though they are crying out for financial help.

Slippery Slope.

Where will it end ? When does it expire ?

The Camel's nose is in the tent ! No ?

The point is that, this is entering an area where government has never entered and that becomes alarming. I was against any and all bailouts in the first place, therefore, I will conspire to think :shocked: that the bailout scheme could have been designed as an expressway to the govts. longtime desire to regulate private entrerprise / corporate salaries. Maybe ?


Closed Account
Are you still paying people to have babies in the US?

We are in the UK, and guess what kind of babies we're getting..

On the other hand the European labours market is still a free for all for all those toe-rags who want to shift workers from here to there without any regard for the communities they work/live in.

Is this making any sense?

Does anyone need any more brain-food as to why more and more people are voting BNP?
Not quite still need the gov run health care the ruling celebrity class/media to tell you how gracious of a good magnaminous (sorry if it's a typo) Mr O is.

I mean it's expected if the goverment is giving these people tax payers money, then the will of the goverment will be impossed, how many snacks a day they can eat (can't get to fat now), what type of car you drive to work or fuel usage, how much more taxes you have to pay now, you know all that good ol fashion goverment stuff, perharps socialism lite. Where are them exceutives fighting for capitalism instead than waiting in Wall Street for a hand out, this is what they deserve...go give it to them Mr. president.

But don't worry just sit back and enjoy the greatest sitcom/reality show on earth, Obama's On The Job Training For Dummies.. I predict an increase of calming pills for all those that soooo vehemently supported this "newbie" and now their god on earth turns out to be a man after all and reality comes crashing in. Kinda hard to keep them high approval record, just ask Bush..

He needs to get his house straight and working (no more hot dates/sleep over with Matt Lauer) or this country is really going to crapola.
The point is that, this is entering an area where government has never entered and that becomes alarming.
Bingo! Ding Ding Ding! Finally someone, and I figured Facetious would be the one, who understands what I'm saying.

Yes, chef, that does affect people here. Who's to say one of us, or one of our kids, won't ever grow up to be an executive of a corporation whose pay is (gasp!) dictated by their government in a supposedly capitalist country. And if you don't think executive pay might only be the start of private salary regulation, then think again. Temporary Income Tax to fund depression recovery anyone?

It is apparent by a number of the above posts that we are greatly losing sight of what a free, capitalist society is all about. To even suggest that the government should have anything to do with the amount of money anyone earns at their job is a horrifying thought. The only thing more horrifying is a government taking money from it's citizens and handing it to private corporations who have overwhelmingly demonstrated a grave inability to succeed in their chosen line of work. That rational individuals whose intellect exceeds that of the mentally retarded, are posting that that concept is remotely acceptable only tells me that the brainwashing of the American public is well on schedule. Congratulations Mr. Obama and your gang of merry thieves, your are fooling us all!

Lest we forget the basis of this nation. My main point is that $800 billion given to private corporations by a government should never even have been discussed. Remember where that $800 BILLION came from. It came from you, and me, and everyone else who's put their heart and soul into WORKING to make their OWN way in life, without the goddamn help of some publicly funded institution having a single goddamn hand in telling them how to live. If that $800 billion is available to toss around to corporate greed machines in the first place, then don't give it to them. GIVE IT BACK TO THOSE YOU TOOK IT FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE! And let those who earned that money decided where it goes. If they decide to spend it with those failing companies, and those companies turn themselves around, then so be it.

Let the people decide, by way of freedom of choice, with whom they will do business. THAT is the basis of a free society.

The America I used to know is LONG GONE and forgotten. This economy is being artificially dictated by it's government, we have reached the antithesis of capitalism. This country now officially sucks.

That those corporations will be subject to an intrusive and highly misguided government oversight is merely an afterthought to a concept that should never even be considered in a capitalist country.
"Let the people decide, by way of freedom of choice, with whom they will do business. THAT is the basis of a free society."

Well that's what the election was for. Everyone knew Obama was going to do this while the election campaign was going on. If you're not happy with it, I'm afraid there are a lot of people who ARE willing to support it, and as part of society you'll have to be willing to accept that for the time being. Don't worry, there's another election in 2010.

Oh, and if you're talking about a huge waste of taxpayers' money, you might want to take a look at this:
"Let the people decide, by way of freedom of choice, with whom they will do business. THAT is the basis of a free society."

Well that's what the election was for. Everyone knew Obama was going to do this while the election campaign was going on. If you're not happy with it, I'm afraid there are a lot of people who ARE willing to support it, and as part of society you'll have to be willing to accept that for the time being. Don't worry, there's another election in 2010.

Oh, and if you're talking about a huge waste of taxpayers' money, you might want to take a look at this:

Ain't about Obama, McCain or any of the other douchebags would be doing just as bad, he's just inherited a severely broken system that's been suffering from years of abuse by its legislative and judicial system. Pot smokers spend more time in prison then rapists, congress has their hands in every aspect of our life, gunfire is a staple of every night television yet it is illegal to show a breast. Again: The America I used to know is LONG GONE and forgotten. This economy is being artificially dictated by it's government, we have reached the antithesis of capitalism. This country now officially sucks.
Ain't about Obama, McCain or any of the other douchebags would be doing just as bad, he's just inherited a severely broken system that's been suffering from years of abuse by its legislative and judicial system. Pot smokers spend more time in prison then rapists, congress has their hands in every aspect of our life, gunfire is a staple of every night television yet it is illegal to show a breast. Again: The America I used to know is LONG GONE and forgotten. This economy is being artificially dictated by it's government, we have reached the antithesis of capitalism. This country now officially sucks.

Well, I can't really argue with that. The system's fucked. But we're living in it, let's at least try to make it bearable.
I don't understand why so many Americans are terrified of socialism. Most of you cry socialism every chance you get but I don't think you truly understand the concept of socialism.
God bless the USSA. :thefinger


Transformers 2 is gonna suck anyway, socialists or not.