The Suppressed Fact: Deaths by U.S. Torture

The left wing of the media does a pretty good job suppressing the number of lives saved by interrogation.

Why don't you tell us how many and cite your credible source?

I'll wait....
If it were up to you you'd bomb everyone you think of as "the enemy" into oblivion.

I would use the serum of truth or penthotal with my enemy, it is impossible to cheat against it.


Re : "Deaths by U.S. Torture"

I don't like the collectivization of the thread title, "U.S. Torture".
Excuse me ! that implies that (here we go again :rolleyes:) if there's one rotten American soldier etc. , by golly, the entire United States Armed Forces are rotten.

No Sale ! apropos statement from the sci-fi genius Rod Serling;

"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices. To be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and the frightened, thoughtless search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own: for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things can not be confined to the Twilight Zone."

That reminds me of the song Mass Destruction by Faithless

Whether a long range weapon or suicide bomber
A wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1
Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruc
Wether a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether Halliburton Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction
I forgot what I was going to type... I just spent about 15 minutes staring at Boothbabe's glorious sig, and now I can't remember.... :)
But if a large number of other lifes might be saved, I am willing to accept that.
He who stands for nothing, falls for everything. The fruit of immoral actions can never be moral, no matter what the stated purpose.

For he who willfully sacrifices moral principles should never be entrusted with the protection of either life or conscience.

Re : "Deaths by U.S. Torture"

I don't like the collectivization of the thread title, "U.S. Torture".
Excuse me ! that implies that (here we go again :rolleyes:) if there's one rotten American soldier etc. , by golly, the entire United States Armed Forces are rotten.

No Sale !

Pardon me...but if it's handed down policy that a service member or OGA is following then you can't very well lay it at the feet of the individual effecting policy.


The left wing of the media does a pretty good job suppressing the number of lives saved by interrogation.

You'll never change the minds of the voluntary section eighters, all cubed up in their appartments for days on end, no bills to pay, full tummy, CNN's Wulf Blitzkrieg and Kristee Amman Pooor . . . audible in stereo when walking between appartment units. :1orglaugh

America sucks ! America Guilty !! Torture TORTURE USA TORTURE America TORTUre tOrTuRe ! obama savior

appease today won't you ! ?
lets not argue semantics.
i think its obvious im referring to my idea that these things shouldn't be publicized. the reason being, most of us, the media guzzling ignorant, have no idea as to what is really going on.
all is fair in love and war.
i will argue no further.

I think most of us know exactly what is going on - and the media reports merely confirm that torture is on-going by the US administration.
But there have always been people out there, usually well studied people sometimes even people who have carried out such actions that say torture doesnt work. All it does is lead a person to tell his/her interrogators what they want to hear on the basis that the act being performed on them is stopped. Just type in torture or torture doesnt work into google and you'll get thousands of articles on the subject. .

This is correct.

We had a series of radio interviews here with an ex-MI5 agent who said that the only effective intelligence gathered is by infiltrating terrorist organisations.

The officer cited MI5's infiltration of groups like the IRA as proof of the success of this policy.
He also correctly referred to how internment in Northern Ireland actually help to stuff the recruitment ranks of the IRA.

But you have to ask yourselves if a US citizen was being waterboarded, would you then deem it as torture?

they'd deem it as torture - but when it's a non-US national it is "war on terrorism" or "pre-emptive strikes" nauseum.

We can already answer tha question because the Japanese performed these actions on US POW's and after the war those Japanese officers were tried for war crimes. So what, the same rules dont apply? If the US wants to promote democracy as it said it does especially throught the Bush years then it should live by it's own rules. That also applies to international law and the excuse that these prisoners cannot be called prisoners of war so the same rules dont apply is a quite disgusting cop out.

The same rules don't apply because the US is expedient.

It was expedient to funding Al Qaeda when Al Qaeda were fighting the Soviets.
It was expendient when it sold arms to saddam when he was fighting Iran.
It was expedient when it supported the white minority in South Africa..................................................................................................................................................

You get the picture.


I'm taking the title from the original article, which is loaded with legitimate documentation. There needs to be some accountability and some repercussions for the fact that this has occurred:

Your thoughts??


people outside the US know about this, people inside the US will accuse you of being a commie/fascist/nazi, unpatriotic (because murder equals patriotism in america), etc etc. get ready for flaaaaamesssss... :)


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'd like to see a report stating how many captured americanns have died due to being tortured by Iraqis.

As for the article...who gives a fuck? :dunno:
FYI regarding "pre-emptive strikes"

If you had been threatening me for years I think you know that you wouldn't be posting right now.

And vice versa...
:2 cents:

I HOPE implication of that statement isn't to suggest Iraq had been threatening the US for years.....:rofl:

That would be almost akin to suggesting a gazelle threatening the tiger for years...:1orglaugh
I'd like to see a report stating how many captured americanns have died due to being tortured by Iraqis.

As for the article...who gives a fuck? :dunno:

The context of the thread is that torture "saved" lives...I haven't seen any credible evidence of that beyond simple assertions.
Remember when almost all of Western Society thought that only evil bad guys tortured people? It was way back like, um... around 10 years ago. It's a pretty sad day for us when we actually have to debate something like this. It's even worse that there is so many people that don't have a problem with it. When we look back and wonder how we fell, this will one of the things along with our uncontrolled greed and selfishness that will be a benchmark in that history.
Remember when almost all of Western Society thought that only evil bad guys tortured people? It was way back like, um... around 10 years ago. It's a pretty sad day for us when we actually have to debate something like this. It's even worse that there is so many people that don't have a problem with it. When we look back and wonder how we fell, this will one of the things along with our uncontrolled greed and selfishness that will be a benchmark in that history.

Wasn't even THAT long ago as they were making that case against Saddam during Operation Iraqi freedom...