sorry, I was a bit vague. I didn't mean to say that in germany (that's where) there are no credit cards. It's just that the distribution of credit cards is not as wide. (hmm, this isn't very clear either... once more)
They're not as famous as in the US. You can use em almost everywhere but out of 100 persons, I'd guess 10 at most are credit card holders. I'm a student and among that group of society only those with a rich daddy (hope I'm not offending anyone) have a credit card. There are a lot of other possibilities here besides credit cards and cash.
German paysites generally accept at least 3 methds of payment. One of those is -oddly enough- via phone bill. That's another indicator for how rare they are.
But I'm rambling. The fact is I don't have a credit card and a lot of other european (probabaly make that non-american) users don't either.
Oh, and ATM's over here don#t only work with credit cards. In fact, if you use an ATM with a credit card (or the other way round) you get charged extra. The common way is a card designed only for ATM's (we call em bank cards). And those cannot be used to ID someone - people over here value their protection of data privacy very highly.
:2 cents:
And ON-Topic:
The asshole's still spamming the board but at least his url isn't clickable anymore, I think that's a nice effort.