This will have more of a comment than a suggesion, I still hope everyone agrees with my board selection.
In the last few days a few new members (call em newbies if you want) have signed up and some of them are really beginning to annoy me and from what I'm reading I'm not the only one.
I might even have forgotten a few. Anyway these 3 keep spamming every board with nothing but links to (each) 1 friggin website and a few lame comments about either Britney spears, Arianna Jolie or Pamela Anderson.
It's in the funny section, in "find your babe" in "freeones talk", hell, even in the members only section. And not only do those guys (or that one guy - I have a little theory) start useless threads, they spam exiting ones with the same shit over and over again.
I know there's an issue called censorship and I know that usually no threads get deleted but isn' t ist possible to do anything about this pest?
Aah, to hell, maybe I just had to write this off my mind, cause I feel like
In the last few days a few new members (call em newbies if you want) have signed up and some of them are really beginning to annoy me and from what I'm reading I'm not the only one.
I might even have forgotten a few. Anyway these 3 keep spamming every board with nothing but links to (each) 1 friggin website and a few lame comments about either Britney spears, Arianna Jolie or Pamela Anderson.
It's in the funny section, in "find your babe" in "freeones talk", hell, even in the members only section. And not only do those guys (or that one guy - I have a little theory) start useless threads, they spam exiting ones with the same shit over and over again.
I know there's an issue called censorship and I know that usually no threads get deleted but isn' t ist possible to do anything about this pest?
Aah, to hell, maybe I just had to write this off my mind, cause I feel like