
Hiliary 2020
The season/show ended a few months ago and nothing?

I'll probably never watch it again.
It made me too sad, poor ronnie, poor vic, poor everybody, but it was a great season.
And Chiklis is a great actor.

Why did the strike team go down in flames?
Women, getting in the way.
The show was amazing, and I am sad that it is over. yeah, it was a bit depressing how everything spiraled out of control for Vic and the team, but wasn't it fitting?

He got away with it all, but he didn't come out squeaky clean. And in trying to protect those he felt were closest to him, he ended up screwing teh only person that stuck by his side!


Hiliary 2020
Yep, he chose his stupid ex wife over Ronnie, and she sold him out.
And it turns out he didn't even have to do it.
Thats really what made my stomach turn.

Like I said,
Shane fucked everything up years ago when he told his wife about the money train, everything that happened was rooted from that.

I wonder is ass invader, I mean aceveda killed that vote for me and i'll set you free guy.