The Saddest Videogame Character Deaths

John Marston from Red Dead Redemption
John "Soap" MacTavish from the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series
William "Bill" Overbeck from Left 4 Dead
Sir Walter Beck from Fable III
Joe Barbaro from Mafia 2
many others ...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
She has a name.
I know she does but it's been years since I played it. I can't remember her name to save my life...

Doesn't matter. I swear there was a point in time that I couldn't walk 10 feet down the hall at school in 1997/1998 without seeing some dumb ass hunched over or propped up against his locker bawling his eyes out. You'd think that their mom had just died or something. Her death has been overly dramatized by fan boys 15 years after the fact. So much so that every time I see Sephiroth impale her ass with that 6 foot long katana, I laugh a little bit.

Incidentally, all of this Final Fantasy VII talk is rekindling some of the violent feelings I had toward Yuffie. I really wanted to put a bullet in her head and feed her to Red XIII.....Materia stealing bitch.:cussing:


The death of Aries in FF7 by far

I haven't met a gamer yet that doesn't die a little inside every time they watch that FMV.....Sniff
Rabbit's death in MoH: 2010, and Marsten's death in Red Dead Redemption left me speechless. I felt real connections with the two of them...

I definitely agree that the zombification of Edward Dewey in Resident Evil: Zero fits the list of saddest videogame deaths

Not to mention the following

1. His revealed zombification accompanied by gloomy music

2. Him dying off-screen as a result of the Ecliptic Express crash