The Saddest Videogame Character Deaths


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You should also get Resident Evil 0.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I just realized this thread is a huge spoiler. I will not be coming in here any more.

Sorry about that.

We could use a spoiler function.
I think the saddest video game death for me was at the end of Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (and at the very beginning of Lufia I)when Maxim and Selan died.

The thing about it, in that respect, was the game was totally fatalistic about it because in the first Lufia you played the characters from Lufia II (Lufia II was a prequel of the first one) at the begging as a prolog of the first game that went through what would become the ending sequence to the second game. Everybody knew what was going to happen and it was no secret. The second game was Maxim and his adventuring with his team up to that point in the defeating of the Sinistrals. You start out the first game as a descendent of Maxim. (I think as his grandchild or great grandchild, but I don't think it's even been totally confirmed in the cannon.)

Still even knowing it was coming didn't make it any better. (I would normally say that knowing about what happen before hand with something like that in a in a game like that would also ruin it, but the producers of the game really pulled it off and did it well.) Maybe it was the fact that you got to know the characters in the second game better, and the plot of both games was good, especially for the era and the system limitations. In fact more was added in at the ending of the second game you didn't ever get to see in the prolog of the first game that made it even sadder and even more memorable. At the prolog of the first game it ended with Maxim's wife Selan dying in the final battle and him getting separated from the his other two teammates and being unable to teleport to safety with them while the flying fortress they were on was coming apart. I won't give too much away incase somebody ever wants to play the game that didn't get to play it before, but in the second game we find out that wasn't the end of it and while Maxim did die, as everybody knew, he had to do one last task to sacrifice himself to save even more people before he did it that wasn't revealed in the first game and wasn't known about.

The ending credits and the sequence going on during them was one of the best ones I can remember, especially for an SNES game. If you ever get a chance to play both Lufia games or even just the very beginning of the first one and the second one I recommend you do so. There is some puzzle aspects to the second one that might not be to everybody's liking, but I didn't mind them. The two Lufia games are highly underrated, especially the second even if they are old now, and are worth playing, especially if somebody is a fan of RPGs from the SNES days.
I was not sad in the least for Aeris. She was a useless character, and her removal made my time playing that game easier.
Jason Chance in Syphon Filter comes to mind for me, yes he was the bad guy, but even he didnt deserve to be thrown into the tail rotor of a chopper.
Mikhail in Resident Evil 3. sacrificing himself to throw Nemisis off the trolley.
Dom's death was sad and epic. Also the marine's death in the first MW was sad especially since it was you crawling out and dieing of radiation poisoning.


persona non grata
Those little white fluffy...well, whatever they are in Ice Climber. There they are minding their own business, building stuff with ice and suddenly some psycho with a mallet comes out of nowhere and whacks them in the head.
Dom also in Gears Of War 3, I had already felt sad for him when he found his wife all fucked up back in Gears 2 so I guess this was kind of a release. However the situation he was in seemed no more dire than many other ones they found themselves in so I don't think he had to take such drastic measures, he was much more likeable than Fenix and at least showed some emotion so I didn't really enjoy playing the game after he had died. I also think there could have been better dialogue between Dom and Marcus before he died rather than Dom just saying 'jump' considering how much they had been through together throughout the 3 games. I would have preferred it for Marcus to have died so he could be with his father and he probably would have preferred a soldiers death as he had no real love for life or people like Anya etc, that would have been the ultimate sacrifice.

It's been several years since I played it but in Prey where you battle alien invaders you play as Tommy trying to save his girlfriend Jen who had been captured by the aliens, you go through so much shit trying to save her and when you defeat the boss holding her she is lying there seriously injured and says 'let me go', it took me ages to realise she wanted me to shoot her and end her suffering but I found that hard to do considering the whole game was about saving her, anyway you have to kill her to carry on regardless of what you feel. Think I'll play through again one day, the game had some fantastic ideas.

The death of Tellah in FFIV was very sad, as he sacrificed himself to defeat Golbez even after the party protests he not cast Meteo which finishes him off for good. But for what its worth, Tellah was old, but he knew a lot of spells. Unfortunately his stats decrease when he levels up and he becomes near useless at the end because you can't keep him alive because he is at his lowest after level 25. But Tellah did not have to die in this way, still. Also fighting Edge's parents when they are turned into monsters, that was sad because they are no longer human and kill themselves right in front of their son, Edge in turn learns all his Ninja skills. I'll put the death of Aeris in there as well, Sephiroth really shows he is a bad ass.


Postal Paranoiac
Mr. PowWow. The Create-A-Wrestler wrestler I created in WWE X. After the game kept freezing, I got pissed off and threw it against the wall, where it shattered into a hundred pieces. Sad. So sad.