The Right Honourable Australian FreeOnes Thread

To all the wishful thinking about Australia. Strange myths about place, no doubt created by the notorious bragging of many people that live to divert reality.
The facts are the women are generally ugly (check out Abby Winters or Girls out West) compared to European women especially those from the northern and eastern parts and the men in this former British penal colony outnumber the women. Sure the Australian government butt kisses the US government but that does not mean the women are good looking here at the arse end of the world!! Get a reality check

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Flyingwallaby aside, every other Aussie I've ever encountered on freeones has been a colossal prick. G'day.
Flyingwallaby aside, every other Aussie I've ever encountered on freeones has a colossal prick. G'day.

I don't like to boast about the size of mine usually.............I won't ask how you know that either, but G'day to you too ;P


For the EMPEROR!!
You're all drunken bums.