The Right Honourable Australian FreeOnes Thread


I enjoyed my time in Australia. All 35 minutes of it...
Do the women all look like this down there:




For the EMPEROR!!
Gidday mates! East coaster here. We may not have as good a porn industry as the yanks but our prostitution laws are so much better :D

Yeah..and our beer is 10x better too.
I appreciate how Australia is referenced in this video:

Great, thanks mate, it's nice not to care about anything other than beer, sport and occasionally women.

Reminds me of a Ben Elton sketch where he's talking about English people sunbathing nude on the beach and trying to hide their cocks by burying them in the sand, generally being shy, etc...
"... meanwhile, there's a couple of Australian's sitting on a pile of beer cans having a wank..." perfect :glugglug:


...currently wanking!
Not only beautiful women down there but also great bands...AC/DC, Airbourne, Be'lakor :thumbsup: