>>>The Republican Party Is The Problem


New Rule: The Republicans Are the Problem | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
This guy in particular:


He said this in a press release on his own website, along with a whole bunch of other bullshit detailing how the trump admin did such an amazing job of saving America that there's nothing left for the government to do.

Couple of topical fun ones:


Maybe not so much fun, as concerning...


Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
I wish I could have Good Old Mitch come to a church in my area that just built a BIG building to hold their food pantry on a day where it is 2 degrees above zero and see the lines of folks for the food. Pent up cash my ass. The worst part is the ones most in need of the cash will believe Mitch and fight not to have any help. We're Americans. We will make it on our own!
Same bullshit happens in Australia, to an extent. A report was released a while back saying there were so many billions in additional savings after last year and our treasurer tried to claim it was proof that there's no need for additional assistance anymore. Just one of the many problems with having a ruling class made up of rich people's kids, they're all fucking arrogant and clueless.
The comparison to the Communist Party of the 1970s cannot be flattering to them.

You would think so, but they've had no trouble publicly embracing nazism, so who knows what they believe or care about any more?

I'm reluctant to get my hopes up. After every single presidential election it seems like the losing party has an identity crisis and factional in-fighting and is on the verge of being relegated to opposition for the foreseeable future.
Then again, the detachment from reality of the current republican party is likely to work against them. I may be wrong - I'm certainly no expert on US political history - but I don't think they've ever been this deep into their fantasy world.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
You would think so, but they've had no trouble publicly embracing nazism, so who knows what they believe or care about any more?

I'm reluctant to get my hopes up. After every single presidential election it seems like the losing party has an identity crisis and factional in-fighting and is on the verge of being relegated to opposition for the foreseeable future.
Then again, the detachment from reality of the current republican party is likely to work against them. I may be wrong - I'm certainly no expert on US political history - but I don't think they've ever been this deep into their fantasy world.
The in-fighting was to be expected. The primary difference is - as you allude - is the presence of the personality cult. It will split the party in the short-term, but I'm not certain about the long-term.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
CPAC is building up to Sunday's headliner: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...at-boehner-for-telling-him-to-go-f-k-yourself

Fled Cruz: "There are a whole lot of voices in Washington who want to just erase the last four years ... And they look at Donald J. Trump and they look at the millions and millions of people inspired who went to battle fighting alongside President Trump, and they're terrified. And they want him to go away ... Let me tell you this right now, Donald J. Trump ain't going anywhere,”

Cruz is correct. We see who the big liar inspired, we see what he inspired, we are terrified, and we do want him to go away. Big Liar's supporters ignore the millions more who were inspired to oppose him.

