Some days I really get a chuckle out of life.
I don't like political parties in general because both the Democrats and the Republicans have migrated to their corners. They accuse each other of being absolutes and only recognize the evils of the other and almost never admit their own mistakes. In my view, that the the behavior of a hate group.
Because it was raining this weekend, I happened to watch The View for about 10 minutes. In the 10 minutes that I watched, Joy and Whoopie spewed a hateful dialog about "All Republicans" and how they always lie, are deceptive, and have a cult-like agenda. Then yesterday for about the same amount of time I turned on the radio and heard Mark Levin go on about how the Democrats were deceptive, manipulative, and corrupt.
I was thinking about that this morning and it reminded me of something, but it took me a while to figure out. It was some of the discussions on this board.
What gave me the chuckle is my curiosity to visit the political board here, which is something I haven't done in months and months. First political thread I looked at and the last post mirrors Mark, Joy, and Whoopie's hate rhetoric.
What made me stop viewing the political posts here was the same reason I stopped watching cable news and political shows. I found that even after introducing facts (primary sources) people wouldn't re-examine their thinking and would rather believe a meme that confirmed their thinking, than actually learn and expand their understanding. I got angry at that. I found myself getting angry at people who I actually liked on here. There was no upside. So, I stopped.
I really think we all need to back away from the hate. Understand that people are humans. Forget the politicians when speaking about people, and try to understand what we are saying. Sometimes the other person will be wrong or just have a different opinion, but sometimes I also learn from what they know and think. Each outcome is good, if I allow myself to accept other opinions.
If you slam the Democrats or the Republicans, you are more than likely right. At least on some level. Since I voted for Biden, shouldn't I hold him MORE accountable? I gave him my vote and trust. That is where I start thinking.
Life isn't binary and if we only think in binary terms, it breeds hate.