The problem with mainstream music these days...

Maybe i am just old school but i much prefer stripped down music- the acoustic versions. to me this sounds so much more like music to me, instead of all that digital alterings and synthesized music.

what happened to the natural guitars? even in rock cds, the synthesized sounds and edited voices are everywhere.

your thoughts?


Member, you member...
It's easier to make electronic "music" for the ones with no instrumental talent.
Reminds me of remakes of old songs - people don't have the imagination to create their own songs.
most of the music that you can heard on radio, mtv, top50, etc. are damn shit...
don't watch TV, shut down the radio and listen what you really like. ;)


Closed Account
jod0565 said:
It's easier to make electronic "music" for the ones with no instrumental talent.
Reminds me of remakes of old songs - people don't have the imagination to create their own songs.

My thoughts exactly. That is why there is so much "sampling" of past hit songs it today's music industry.
The problem with mainstream music these days is that it sucks balls. There, I said what everybody else was thinking.

Good music is out there, you just gotta find it. Hint: it's not on TV or radio.
IMHO, I think the music companies are pressurised to release as many songs as possible whilst a particular artist is still popular so that they can make as much money as possible. Also, I think illegal music downloads must be having an effect on their profit margins, so they try and release singles as often as possible again to maximise profits. :) :thumbsup: :2 cents:
ViruSphere said:
The problem with mainstream music these days is that it sucks balls. There, I said what everybody else was thinking.

Good music is out there, you just gotta find it. Hint: it's not on TV or radio.

You are totally correct sir. Good music is found two places:

1) Privately funded college radio

2) Satellite Radio

Those two outlets are the only sources of a reason for me to go to the record store. Mainstream radio, MTV, etc. is so fucking bad, it makes me assume that majority of our population are mindless automatants that will garble up any stinky pile of shit that you feed them. :crying:
God, I thought I was the only one who thought music today sucks. Dont get me wrong, there is some ok stuff out there. I find myself going back to old cd's lately. I think right now rap to the late 90's and early 2000's is what disco was to the 70's. Hopefully today's rap will die. MTV used to hbe so revelutionary, i.e. unplugged.
Then again, kid's growing up today are a use once throw away culture. Almost every group out (rap group) is a one hit wonder.
Maybe I am getting old, but I like how older music made you think about the lyric's. Once you figure out what was really being said it was no difference then today's lyrics. It's just that the lyrics of today have "dumbed" us down. They dont make you think, they arent political, they are just blatent sexual. Such a sad thing too with as much political drama that's going on today.
I'm thinking about the Backstreet Boys sig you used for a few weeks and also this thread you started...

Now you suddenly like "stripped down" music without "digital alterings" and do not like "synthesized music."

:wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

HERO2 said:
Maybe i am just old school but i much prefer stripped down music- the acoustic versions. to me this sounds so much more like music to me, instead of all that digital alterings and synthesized music.

what happened to the natural guitars? even in rock cds, the synthesized sounds and edited voices are everywhere.

your thoughts?
Well, either you do or DON'T like highly produced, "synthesized" music. You made two directly-conflicting threads, so I didn't understand your true opinion! :confused: That's not picking on you - just pointing out an inconsistency and questioning which your real feeling(s) are, HERO2.
Peter Gazinya said:
You are totally correct sir. Good music is found two places:

1) Privately funded college radio

2) Satellite Radio

Those two outlets are the only sources of a reason for me to go to the record store. Mainstream radio, MTV, etc. is so fucking bad, it makes me assume that majority of our population are mindless automatants that will garble up any stinky pile of shit that you feed them. :crying:

my thoughts exactly!!!!

H2, Back Street Boys is exactly what we are talking about..... NF was right to mention your thread, They are shit!!!!
I recently heard a covered dance version of Don Henley's 'Boys of Summer' here in the Uk..

I mean WTF!,this was a classic song that actually had some meaning to it.. now it's being 'bastardized' so that a bunch of nobody pop stars ( not to mention the record companies ), can make a quick profit.
I really despair at the state of msic these days, there is a fucking ringtone at No 1 in the Uk... FFS!
Some of the synthesized stuff may not take a lot of musical talent, but it's bloody hard knowing how to put that computerised crap together. Personally I prefer older stuff and more guitar orientated music, but wouldn't knock someone elses musical tastes unless they tried to force them on me. Each to there own I say, and if you don't like it, turn it off!! :2 cents: