The Prime Minister Of Australia Is Calling ISIS By A New Name That They Absolutely Hate

Glad Abbott is finally on board with me

I will no longer use the word "ISIS" instead I will refer to them as Daesh, which was their original name and is an acronym for Dawlat al-Islamiyah f'al-Iraq. The main reason why I will call them Daesh form now on is because in Arabic Daesh is an insult and the extremist group themselves have said that they will cut out the tongues of whoever calls them Daesh. I'm perfectly happy insulting them by calling them Daesh and you should too


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These criminals really do not deserve to be labelled after the Islam

Taking a page from the rules for radicals is a good thing, sometimes. Referring to a group by a name they abhor until it becomes popular works under their skin so efficiently and with so little effort.

Following France's lead on this, I think.

Back in September it was widely reported that:

On Monday, the French government released a statement that included a reference to the group under a different name: "Daesh."

France had hinted that it would begin using this term – how the group is referred to in much of the Arab world – before, but this week appears to be the first time that the country has used it in official communications.

“This is a terrorist group and not a state," Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters last week, according to France 24. "I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims and Islamists. The Arabs call it ‘Daesh’ and I will be calling them the ‘Daesh cutthroats.’ ”
The left likes this move only because it is an attempt to distance the murdering thugs from the religion that motivates them. They say they are Islamic... I take them at their word.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The left likes this move only because it is an attempt to distance the murdering thugs from the religion that motivates them. They say they are Islamic... I take them at their word.

Is that sort of shit really necessary? "The left"? Painting with broad strokes like that only gets paint all over the place.
Is that sort of shit really necessary? "The left"? Painting with broad strokes like that only gets paint all over the place.

I am asking the same thing. Is there a groundswell of support on the right to try and candy coat what these murderers are? To liberals, Islam is a check against Christianity, it is supported by the left because Christianity has affected their lives or offends their sensibilities., Islam has not been predominate in American society to have that effect yet. it will probably take a hundred years before the literal teachings of Islam take hold in this country. There will be a point and time that Islam will be hated much the same as Christianity as Islam is far less tolerant of all the progressive items on the agenda. The left just haven't been exposed to the effects of it yet. But it's coming.
I am asking the same thing. Is there a groundswell of support on the right to try and candy coat what these murderers are? To liberals, Islam is a check against Christianity, it is supported by the left because Christianity has affected their lives or offends their sensibilities., Islam has not been predominate in American society to have that effect yet. it will probably take a hundred years before the literal teachings of Islam take hold in this country. There will be a point and time that Islam will be hated much the same as Christianity as Islam is far less tolerant of all the progressive items on the agenda. The left just haven't been exposed to the effects of it yet. But it's coming.

^this and fucking that

What's puzzled me is for all the rancor towards religious fundamentalism in this country, the epitome of religious fundamentalism on display and from all sectors of Islam is treated with kid gloves, ignored or even advocated by those on the left.

Is it because christians won't storm your workplace and execute you because you told a Jesus joke?

I can't stand Bill Maher, but I can at least respect him for his consistency.

f'n pussies.
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To liberals, Islam is a check against Christianity,

No it isn't. No it is not. To Liberals, Islam is just one more fuckin' religion that a certain number of people take way too seriously. To say it's a "check" is ridiculous.

it is supported by the left because Christianity has affected their lives or offends their sensibilities.,

Ah, more ridiculous. Islam isn't supported by the Left. We find them as tiresome as the rest of you. But yes, we would like you to stop offending our sensibilities with your bullshit religious beliefs.

it will probably take a hundred years before the literal teachings of Islam take hold in this country.

Are you out of your freakin' mind? A hundred thousand years aren't going to be enough for the literal teachings of Islam to do anything but disgust us. I'm getting a whiff of Bill O'Reilly on this comment.

There will be a point and time that Islam will be hated much the same as Christianity as Islam is far less tolerant of all the progressive items on the agenda. The left just haven't been exposed to the effects of it yet. But it's coming.

Oooh look! A shiny toy! And over there, a puppy! Puppies! What in the shining blue fuck are you talking about? Nothing there, nothing has any basis in reality. Nothing. You strung words together and double checked for sentence structure.
No it isn't. No it is not. To Liberals, Islam is just one more fuckin' religion that a certain number of people take way too seriously. To say it's a "check" is ridiculous.

Yeah, I take it seriously, and plenty more are starting to. It is a direct contradiction of Christianity and if you haven't noticed, Islam wants to convert the world and some within that cult will resort to extreme violence to achieve that goal. I don't give a shit that you hate Christianity or that it offends you, that is your problem. I stand by my statement and your anger indicates I touched a nerve. To liberals such as yourself, Islam is a check against Christianity because Islam has not affected your life and stopped you from doing whatever it is that you do.. If left unchecked Islam will make you long for the days of a Billy Graham fire and brimstone crusade at your local ballpark.

Ah, more ridiculous. Islam isn't supported by the Left. We find them as tiresome as the rest of you. But yes, we would like you to stop offending our sensibilities with your bullshit religious beliefs.

You're so out of it now and riled by my truthful comments that you are repeating yourself. You probably should get a drool cup.

Are you out of your freakin' mind? A hundred thousand years aren't going to be enough for the literal teachings of Islam to do anything but disgust us. I'm getting a whiff of Bill O'Reilly on this comment.

Well, neither one of us will live 100,000 years but for now you are allowed to express your disgust when it comes to Christianity, try that with Islam and you may not have any fingers to type your little angry rants.

Oooh look! A shiny toy! And over there, a puppy! Puppies! What in the shining blue fuck are you talking about? Nothing there, nothing has any basis in reality. Nothing. You strung words together and double checked for sentence structure.

Yep, you mad. Nothing says nail meet hammer like a Mayhem hissy fit.


Where do you get the impression that I hate/dislike Christianity? And where do you get the impression that I consider Islam as any kind of alternative to it?

For your information I was raised Episcopalian (whatever that is) and am a practicing Unitarian.

My response is to your assertion that Islam is going to take over the US. For a guy who belongs to a Party that likes to wave the flag so much, you seem to have as little faith in this country as Johan does. I have a little more faith than to think that we'll be shouting "Allahu Akbar" at the Superbowl.
Where do you get the impression that I hate/dislike Christianity? And where do you get the impression that I consider Islam as any kind of alternative to it?

For your information I was raised Episcopalian (whatever that is) and am a practicing Unitarian.

My response is to your assertion that Islam is going to take over the US. For a guy who belongs to a Party that likes to wave the flag so much, you seem to have as little faith in this country as Johan does. I have a little more faith than to think that we'll be shouting "Allahu Akbar" at the Superbowl.

I didn't say alternative, I said check against. I also made a general observation about the left, not every liberal. I am of the impression that a lot on the left have no use for Christianity, not all but a lot! At least the most vocal against it.

I am not going to comment on your faith but I am aware of the Unitarian Universalist denomination. Maybe your church is of a different Unitarian denomination.

bullshit religious beliefs
Maybe hate was a strong word but there seems to substantial "dislike" in that comment. You probably go to church more than I do. I am very uncomfortable espousing religious ideology on this board of all places. I don't quote scripture here, I approach most discussions with a defense of Christianity or the right to practice it and express those beliefs. I am not one of those that are trying to lead souls to Christ on this board. When I see it being demonized or when a politician is ridiculed because they have a profound faith I find that bothersome. If you ever present to me comments by a republican candidate that say they are going to govern by following the Bible word for word, I will join you in your opposition to them. The goal of Islam is to become the one and only religion and to defeat Christianity. Muslims are clear on this. I also said that it would take probably 100 years for that to happen in this country, not that we would be called to prayer starting at 1 in the afternoon next Friday. As I said earlier, Christians are pretty tolerant of other religions as a whole, unless the other religion has a reach that contradicts or impedes them from practicing their faith. I have never asserted that the left loves Islam, only that they view it as a force against the oppressive Christian faith. This in and of itself only empowers Islam, and if if Islam reaches it full potential in western countries the left will wish they could revert to the good old days when some Christian pastor said something that outraged them or a politician professed their deeply held convictions.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I am asking the same thing. Is there a groundswell of support on the right to try and candy coat what these murderers are? To liberals, Islam is a check against Christianity, it is supported by the left because Christianity has affected their lives or offends their sensibilities., Islam has not been predominate in American society to have that effect yet. it will probably take a hundred years before the literal teachings of Islam take hold in this country. There will be a point and time that Islam will be hated much the same as Christianity as Islam is far less tolerant of all the progressive items on the agenda. The left just haven't been exposed to the effects of it yet. But it's coming.

You apparently know a lot of imaginary liberals, they must be the same ones Fox News likes to talk all their shit about. Religion is a personal matter, and it should be kept just that, personal. I don't know how I can be any more clear, I don't favor any religion over the other, gee, that's just like the First Amendment. I support all people's right to worship however they choose, and you should too, if you're a true constitutional patriot. See, this is one of the many places where the far right loses me, the constitution applies to everyone, not just to people with whom you agree. If everyone kept their religious convictions to themselves, then no one would ever be persecuted for different beliefs, if everyone respected each others rights, no one would have their rights violated. Pretty fucking simple stuff, shit that even the New Testament teaches.
You apparently know a lot of imaginary liberals, they must be the same ones Fox News likes to talk all their shit about. Religion is a personal matter, and it should be kept just that, personal. I don't know how I can be any more clear, I don't favor any religion over the other, gee, that's just like the First Amendment. I support all people's right to worship however they choose, and you should too, if you're a true constitutional patriot. See, this is one of the many places where the far right loses me, the constitution applies to everyone, not just to people with whom you agree. If everyone kept their religious convictions to themselves, then no one would ever be persecuted for different beliefs, if everyone respected each others rights, no one would have their rights violated. Pretty fucking simple stuff, shit that even the New Testament teaches.

Yeah, my job totally isolates me from liberal ideology, that is why I chose this profession. :D

Surely you are talking about the First Amendment:) See this is where you are losing me. You cite the Constitution and in the same breath want religious people to just STFU. But then there is this pesky little matter of "freedom of expression" which the Constitution guarantees. You may not like it or want to hear about it but it's real and it's spectacular! Did I single you out personally? I made a comment about how the left is willing to embrace Islam for the greater purpose of dismantling the effect of Christianity and you take it almost always that I am singling you out.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yeah, my job totally isolates me from liberal ideology, that is why I chose this profession. :D

Surely you are talking about the First Amendment:) See this is where you are losing me. You cite the Constitution and in the same breath want religious people to just STFU. But then there is this pesky little matter of "freedom of expression" which the Constitution guarantees. You may not like it or want to hear about it but it's real and it's spectacular! Did I single you out personally? I made a comment about how the left is willing to embrace Islam for the greater purpose of dismantling the effect of Christianity and you take it almost always that I am singling you out.

Sure, I want people to STFU about religion, the constitution doesn't say jack shit about shouting ones religion in the street, neither does the Bible. Of course that would be my preference, but in no way does that stifle anyone's freedom of expression, you just seem to have a hard time accepting that it's an all encompassing proposition, not just for the religious. I have every bit as much right to tell proselytizers to shut the fuck up as they do to stand on the street corners and pray(matt 6:5). When you speak in broad terms you include everyone, if you don't want your posts responded to, the best avenue for you is to not post them, now I don't want you to not post them, but don't expect to have your say uncontested, that's not the nature of an online discussion.
Sure, I want people to STFU about religion, the constitution doesn't say jack shit about shouting ones religion in the street, neither does the Bible. Of course that would be my preference, but in no way does that stifle anyone's freedom of expression, you just seem to have a hard time accepting that it's an all encompassing proposition, not just for the religious. I have every bit as much right to tell proselytizers to shut the fuck up as they do to stand on the street corners and pray(matt 6:5). When you speak in broad terms you include everyone, if you don't want your posts responded to, the best avenue for you is to not post them, now I don't want you to not post them, but don't expect to have your say uncontested, that's not the nature of an online discussion.

I think we should end this here because as I read your comments all I can think of is that in a lot of your posts it all comes down to " right wing nuts". Talk about making broad generalizations. I am the one here that doesn't have a problem with the constitution making for an inclusive big tent. I don't see any indication of that from you. If I didn't want or think my posts would be responded to, I wouldn't post my opinions.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
When I say "right wing nuts" or "the far right" I'm echoing one of Fox News most popular commentators, none other than Billow Reilly, so yeah, I can see how you would think I'm the pot calling the kettle black. I'll reiterate, I don't favor any one religion over the other, I find them all way too loud, and that's a position most liberals hold, not whatever it was you claimed, "liberals are a check to Islam" or "liberals favor Islam", because that's just not accurate. Might be that some liberals do as you describe but it's not a predominate line of thinking on the "far left".


I didn't say alternative, I said check against. I also made a general observation about the left, not every liberal. I am of the impression that a lot on the left have no use for Christianity, not all but a lot! At least the most vocal against it.

I am not going to comment on your faith but I am aware of the Unitarian Universalist denomination. Maybe your church is of a different Unitarian denomination.

Maybe hate was a strong word but there seems to substantial "dislike" in that comment. You probably go to church more than I do. I am very uncomfortable espousing religious ideology on this board of all places. I don't quote scripture here, I approach most discussions with a defense of Christianity or the right to practice it and express those beliefs. I am not one of those that are trying to lead souls to Christ on this board. When I see it being demonized or when a politician is ridiculed because they have a profound faith I find that bothersome. If you ever present to me comments by a republican candidate that say they are going to govern by following the Bible word for word, I will join you in your opposition to them. The goal of Islam is to become the one and only religion and to defeat Christianity. Muslims are clear on this. I also said that it would take probably 100 years for that to happen in this country, not that we would be called to prayer starting at 1 in the afternoon next Friday. As I said earlier, Christians are pretty tolerant of other religions as a whole, unless the other religion has a reach that contradicts or impedes them from practicing their faith. I have never asserted that the left loves Islam, only that they view it as a force against the oppressive Christian faith. This in and of itself only empowers Islam, and if if Islam reaches it full potential in western countries the left will wish they could revert to the good old days when some Christian pastor said something that outraged them or a politician professed their deeply held convictions.

Yes, Unitarian Univeralist is what I am. I don't think there are other denominations, but I could be wrong.

I simply don't understand "check against". I don't understand why you feel that way. I get zero impression from my side that it is the case. If I have seemed frustrated in my last few posts, that's where it's coming from. I simply don't get what you're saying.

To delve into your conversation with Xfire: Anyone can talk about their religious beliefs. Anyone in or out of politics can espouse and promote them. It's when they try to push them on others, or presume that's how the entire country should be, that's when I use the phrase, "bullshit religious beliefs." To give credit where it's due, I never got the impression that Romney was going to try to convert America to Mormonism. But he was probably going to bring up his beliefs where possible/appropriate. He was going to be persuasive rather than be domineering. He was going to be positive rather than negative. Plenty on my side would have had a problem with this. I wouldn't have.

P.S. Anyone notice that we've sidetracked the shit out of this thread?