The politics thread

Left and Right are the same thing...two different gates that lead us to the same slaughterhouse. People who are so entrenched in the "rah-rah" side of the debate are hopeless beyond belief (unfortunately, that is the vast majority).

We all work for AIPAC, Goldman Sachs, etc....This is the real America, whether you know it or like it or not.

*We apologize for interrupting Dancing with the Stars, Skating with the Stars, Big Brother 14, Access Hollywood, Two Men and a little Boy and The Big Bang Theory. Please return to your regularly scheduled programming*
People do not want this kind of outlet. They prefer to debate and rant with each other out of the blue. If you allow them to have this kind of thread they will get bored of it in no time.
politics, here in the u.s., seems to be devolving into who can say the most ridiculous shit that appeals to the bases (about what they'll accomplish, about their opponents, about other countries, etc)...the more ridiculous the rhetoric the less politicians and government seem to accomplish


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Politics here in the UK - Democracy appears to be dead. Prospects for revival of democracy don't seem good.
I keep hearing this idea of tyranny from the right. Do they remember that Bush expanded federal powers greatly during his term. John Stewart hit it right on the head with No Child Left Behind. Imagine if Obama had introduced No Child Left Behind, an enormous federal mandate on the public schools, and how the Right would have reacted towards that.
I keep hearing this idea of tyranny from the right. Do they remember that Bush expanded federal powers greatly during his term. John Stewart hit it right on the head with No Child Left Behind. Imagine if Obama had introduced No Child Left Behind, an enormous federal mandate on the public schools, and how the Right would have reacted towards that.

Um, yea all I'm gonna say is that the 1960's were bad and that Nixon was bad too! bout a wall of text :D

Good evening, London. I thought it time we had a little talk. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin... I suppose you're wondering why I've called you here this evening. Well, you see, I'm not entirely satisfied with your performance lately... I'm afraid your work's been slipping and... and well, I'm afraid we've been thinking about letting you go. Oh, I know, I know. You've been with the company a long time now. Almost... let me see. Almost ten thousand years! My word, doesn't time fly? It seems like only yesterday... I remember the day you commenced your employment, swinging down from the trees, fresh-faced and nervous, a bone clasped in your bristling fist... "Where do I start, sir?", you asked, plaintively. I recalled my exact words: "There's a pile of dinosaur eggs over there, youngster", I said, smiling paternally all the while. "Get sucking". Well, we've certainly come a long way since then, haven't we? And yes, yes, you're right, in all that time you haven't missed a day. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Also, please don't think I've forgotten about your outstanding service record, or about all of the invaluable contributions that you've made to the company... Fire, the wheel, agriculture... It's an impressive list, old-timer. A jolly impressive list. Don't get me wrong. But... well, to be frank, we've had our problems too. There's no getting away from it. Do you know what I think alot of it stems from? I'll tell you... It's your basic unwillingness to get on in the company. You don't seem to want to face up to any real responibility. To be your own boss. Lord knows you've been given plenty of opportunities... We've offered you promotion time and time again, and each time you've turned us down. "I couldn't handle the work, Guv'Nor", you wheedled. "I know my place". To be frank, you're not trying, are you? You see, you've been standing still for far too long, and its starting to show in your work... And, I might add, in your general standard of behavior. The constant bickering on the factory floor has not escaped my attention... nor the recent bouts of rowdiness in the staff canteen. Then of course there's... Hmm. Well, I didn't really want to have to bring this up, but... Well, you see, I've been hearing some disturbing rumors about your personal life. No, never You Mind who told me. No names, no pack drill... I understand you are unable to get on with your spouse. I hear that you argue. I am told that you shout. Violence has been mentioned. I am reliably informed that you always hurt the one your love... the one you shouldn't hurt at all. And what about the children, its always the children who suffer, as you're well aware. Poor little mites. What are they to make of it? What are they to make of all your bullying, your despair, your cowardice and all your fondly nurtured bigotries? Really, its not good enough, is it? And its no good blaming the drop in work standards on and management either... though to be sure, the management is very bad. In fact, let us not mince words... The Management is terrible! We've had a string of embezzelers, frauds, liars and lunatics making a string of catastrophic decisions. This is plain fact. But who elected them? It was you! You who elected these people! You who gave them the power to make your decisions for you! While I'll admit that anyone can make a mistake once, to go on making the same lethal errors century after century seems to me nothing short of deliberate. You have encouraged these malicious incompetents, who have made your working life a shambles. You have accepted without question their senseless orders. You have allowed them to fill your workspace with dangerous and unproven machines. You could have stopped them. All you had to say was "No". You have no spine. You have no pride. You are no longer an asset to the company. I will, however, be generous. You will be granted two years to show me some improvement in your work. If at the end of that time you are still unwilling to make a go of it... you're fired. That will be all. You may return to your labors.
-v from from v for alan moore...that's right! i read comics!
Here's a pretty astute criticism of Obama written by a (cover your eyes and ears Wackeos) Yale Literature professor :shocked:

Why Has Obama Never Recognized the Tea Party?
President Obama's surrender to the Tea Party in the debt-ceiling negotiations brought back an old question about his ability to lead. What is the Tea Party? A right-wing populist movement, rooted in local discussion groups and instructed by Fox TV and Fox Radio, that has dominated the Republican Party since the late spring of 2009. There is no more consequential faction in the United States today. Yet many people have the impression that President Obama has never directly addressed its arguments and ideology. He has ignored the Tea Party, it is said, or else treated them as a temporary nuisance -- like a man swatting a fly, or staring into space as a fly buzzes, lands, and bites.

Now that President Obama has signed the new debt ceiling into law and subscribed his party to an austerity program that assumes a state of permanent economic emergency (twin of the permanent security emergency begun by Bush and Cheney), the question what made him do it? becomes more pressing than ever. For Obama has torn up the social contract which was the heart of the Democratic Party. Those who want to confine the blame to Republicans say that the opposition party follows the dictates of a fanatical faction. True; but a president in these circumstances would seem all the more obligated to confront the opposition.

Click on the link for the rest...
Here's a pretty astute criticism of Obama written by a (cover your eyes and ears Wackeos) Yale Literature professor :shocked:

Why Has Obama Never Recognized the Tea Party?
President Obama's surrender to the Tea Party in the debt-ceiling negotiations brought back an old question about his ability to lead. What is the Tea Party? A right-wing populist movement, rooted in local discussion groups and instructed by Fox TV and Fox Radio, that has dominated the Republican Party since the late spring of 2009. There is no more consequential faction in the United States today. Yet many people have the impression that President Obama has never directly addressed its arguments and ideology. He has ignored the Tea Party, it is said, or else treated them as a temporary nuisance -- like a man swatting a fly, or staring into space as a fly buzzes, lands, and bites.

Now that President Obama has signed the new debt ceiling into law and subscribed his party to an austerity program that assumes a state of permanent economic emergency (twin of the permanent security emergency begun by Bush and Cheney), the question what made him do it? becomes more pressing than ever. For Obama has torn up the social contract which was the heart of the Democratic Party. Those who want to confine the blame to Republicans say that the opposition party follows the dictates of a fanatical faction. True; but a president in these circumstances would seem all the more obligated to confront the opposition.

Click on the link for the rest...

Well, the tea baggers were elected last cycle so that's where the country was and the president's (whomever he would be at the time) obligation was to avert the disaster of default no matter what it took.

Invocation of the 14th could be argued but either way...the way it's suppose to work is the country got what it asked for because of the people it sent to Washington. Now if they (we the people) don't like what happened..then it's our duty to turn out the tea baggers by hook or crook come next election cycle.

The question on Obama is more about what does he stand for...If he stands for what the people wanted but the other branch of g'ment couldn't or wouldn't deliver it...then they are the ones who should be held politically accountable...

In a ideal world, 'winning' would not be what the tea baggers accomplished if what they got came at the expense of a.) what was right and b.) going against what the people wanted.
Typical Demo GOPer exchange on MTP last weekend where GOPer makes prepared, panned, flawed point and Demo addresses it some unprepared, weak kneed, defensive response.

There was Jennifer Granholm and some TX GOPer (I believe..presumably frosh tea bagger)...

Point made by GOPer...Michigan raise taxes and Texas lower taxes....Texas' economy boomed while Michigan's economy went in the tank...

Granholm: Uh...blah blah blah...GM, Chrysler...

Appropriate response should have been: Well duh numbskull and taxation had zero to do with it! The Michigan economy was survived by a failing auto industry while the Texas economy is survived by an oil industry that has seen record performance over the same course of time (at the expense of the greater economy btw) due in part to the actions of the former TX Gov and 43rd POTUS...
It's pretty much set that Romney will come out on top today in New Hampshire. It's going to be interesting to see who comes in second. Huntsman has pretty much put everything into New Hampshire and it's going to crucial for his campaign that he at least finish in second
The tax system is corrupt in favor of big business. There should be no "tax breaks." IMO we should just cut out the current method of paying taxes. No FICA, no IRS, full paychecks. Keep the sales tax and raise it a little. That way you get everybody and no tax paying issues. Think about it, all the people you hear about who don't pay taxes (drug dealers, immigrants, etc.) still have to buy shit. Those elites who find loopholes and don't pay shit, well they're going out and buying more expensive shit. That's how I see it. Everyone pays an equal percentage, no one dodges taxes.