The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

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Nope but maybe people whos batteries, in their wireless keyboard, are dying should. Nothing is misspelled just a missing letter. Look closer my spelling is never off I am very well educated. Missing letters do not indicate illiteracy, but on the other hand constant bad grammer starting sentences with "and" or "BUT" and constant misspelling do indicate an illiterate.

Stones and glass houses.

read this carefully........let the MJ fans pay their not heckle their quotes with your delusional not visit this thread again!

you have had your fucking say about 20 F... OFF!!!!!!!!!!


Closed Account
It has been established, albeit not in a court of law, that Michael Jackson was involved with children. Established on this board, by some of the previous posters. The fact that they are trying to still press their point, especially at this time is pitiful.


I for one am still trying to come to terms with this. I wish I had been able to see it for myself instead of picking up tidbits of news in the lunch room. I could have paid him better respects in my heart.

Really Michael, you gave so much and meant so much to us.

I think of what Brian May said about Freddie Mercury: "Too much love will kill you."

Michael was always there. You wake up in the morning, he is there. In the back of your mind you think, 'Oh well, maybe he will bring out another album or he will perform again or something.' Now, he's gone. Just like that.

Wow, so much good music over so many years. He was a phenomenon.

Funny, Farrah Fawcett is gone. Michael Jackson is gone, but his friend Elizabeth Taylor is still wheeling around.

I wonder if music will ever be this good again. I sincerely hope so.

He captured emotion in a way few others can. Even at a young age, he was able to put so much feeling, love and energy into his sound.

Does anyone here know how the Jacksons were abused as children? It was quite bad apparently.

I am trying to express in words how much Michael and his music meant to us, but I can't right now. There was a beautiful article written in a local Portland newspaper.

Michael is the only Black man who died white.
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