The never ending Jane Burgess thread. Ask away

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
What happens to socks in the dryer? Is there some sort of a sock faerie that steals them? You can't blame the underpants gnomes because they only go after, well, underpants. :confused:

My very favorite comic ever! :)


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how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

328. I did it successfully during afternoon recess one day when I was in the third grade. :cool:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Hi Jane! Welcome to Freeones, belatedly :1orglaugh Okay, my question is Have you ever experienced a Pussy fart and do you find it embarrassing? It usually happens when a big dick enters the pussy during doggy style expelling the air with a loud BWARRRRRRRP sound. Most of my girlfriends find it really embarrassing when it happens but I don't mind and think it's hilarious hehe :D

I think all women have had those. I don't get embarrassed. It is what it is.


Lord Dipstick
If O'Malley and Maleonetwo come in here and Gaywad up this thread too, will you tell them to GTFO? :facepalm:

Mr Glam

Closed Account
Oh Great One Jane Burgess please answer my humble question, surely it shall be easy for someone as wise as you.

Why can I win almost any console video game yet typically fail to get past the third level of any arcade game?