What happens to socks in the dryer? Is there some sort of a sock faerie that steals them? You can't blame the underpants gnomes because they only go after, well, underpants.
how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
My very favorite comic ever!
What happens to socks in the dryer? Is there some sort of a sock faerie that steals them? You can't blame the underpants gnomes because they only go after, well, underpants.
u a gurl? can i sniff u?
May I suck on your perfect bewbies? Please? :shy:
And why did I never get my feetsie fansigns from you? Were they lost in space?
When you pout your lips do you tend to get what you want, because I will totally get it for you Jane.
how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Do you wash your drawers in one of those mesh bag thingies?
Hi Jane! Welcome to Freeones, belatedly :1orglaugh Okay, my question is Have you ever experienced a Pussy fart and do you find it embarrassing? It usually happens when a big dick enters the pussy during doggy style expelling the air with a loud BWARRRRRRRP sound. Most of my girlfriends find it really embarrassing when it happens but I don't mind and think it's hilarious hehe
Shouldnt this be moved to the post games forum?
Who are you voting for on Tuesday?