You think you are raising awareness? Really? You have not once, not ever, not even quickly, raised anything in these forums worth anything, have not brought up one topic worthy of discussion, have not contributed anything more than garbage spewed from your hate filled head.
You try to be inflammatory, and it is only there that you succeed. You use the same word over and over and over when describing your "enemies", which is all the evidence the rest of us grounded individuals need to realize that we are indeed not dealing with a mental giant.
How long did this monster post take you? Did you really believe that you would shock anyone here with your "info"? Are you not aware of the creation of such stations such as Nat Geo and Discovery and History, ALL of which have aired numerous programs going into far more depth and detail than your little expose?
You expand nobody's mind here. All you do is bring fuel for a fire, and generally make yourself look like an ass.
But hell, it is the season for generosity, so keep it up man......I guess we do need something to laugh at.