the most overrated movies?????

Too many to mention, what has me worries is I liked quite a few mentioned in this thread :suicide:

That's probably because "overrated" is a rather bullshit concept when it comes to something subjective to the tastes of the individual. What people really mean when they describe, for example, a film as "overrated" is "many people say great, but I disagree." That doesn't make the film overrated, it doesn't make the majority wrong and you right ; it's personal taste. I cringe at "overrated." It's utterly meaningless when it comes to likes and dislikes.

the godfather films

In this case, even MORE meaningless! ;)
Armageddon (1998)

I'll go with that one. It's a passable movie, but fell into the Hollywood cliché (a lot of vocal people here won't like this) of The United States of America saves the world, the exact same cliché that destroys Independence day.
Wow, that's one heck of a revived thread...

Since we're going with overrated, and not "bad", I'd say Dark Knight.
Good movie, but can't help but feel public reaction was buoyed by the tragedy surrounding its release. Whether Ledger is the best Joker ever is a matter of personal choice; there's a good argument for the others like Nicholson and Hamil.

I know many will disagree, but I think Guardians of the Galaxy is pretty overrated too. Again, fun, good movie, but the way people are gushing over it seems a little over the top.

And lastly, and worst, Hunger Games/Lion King. It's hard to justify that much critical acclaim for blatant rip-offs of Japanese masterpieces, especially when the writers don't have the integrity to admit it.
I always love this type of internettery, because since everyone has different and varying tastes, it's not like one day we'll just close this thread and say "Well, there, that takes care of that!" I think Mr. Stiffy had it correct. I mean, I find some movies that everyone else seems to love to be wildly overrated... for me, but if other people like "The Blues Brothers" and "Big Lebowski", have at them, enjoy and watch them on a loop!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Anything by Spike Lee, with the exception of "Malcom X" and maybe "School Daze." Everything else is crap.
Apocalypse Now, Deliverance, and anything Terrence Malick writes or directs. Boring fucking movies and I would wipe my ass with those scripts.
A film that was meant to be a modern take on the cinema classic "Tora Tora" which in my book is one of the best films ever made
and continues to be with the passage of Time.
The film I am talking about is "Pearl Harbour" Kate Beckinsale was in it.

I saw it in the cinema , then actually walked up to the front desk demanding my money back -hhhaaa
Well I tried to get my money back .
I will not say anymore but trying to compare "Pearl Harbour" to the masterpiece which is "Tora Tora" is like trying to eat chalk and write with cheese.