the most overrated movies?????


Torn & Frayed.
Every time someone lists "Reservoir Dogs" as overrated I die a little bit on the inside :bawling:

Then please don't consider this a botched hit: I've never seen "Reservoir Dogs"...
Titanic for sure has to be near the top of the list: enjoyable in places, but too much of a lust story and not enough of a love story. And not for one second did DiCaprio make me believe he was from 1912. (I had the same problem with Pearl Harbor.)

I'm surprised that no one's brought up the Toy Story movies yet. Sure, they weren't bad, but I wouldn't call them the best animated films of all time. (Of course, since they caused the industry-wide shift away from traditional animation to CGI, basically destroying my childhood dream of working in animation in the process, I might be slightly biased against them.)

And there is at least one girl here who liked Rocky. Or at least, the first one.
Ok, it has some shiny colours and all that shit but the plot is fucking stupid (and absolutely unsurprising) and the acting is bad.
The OP didn't say it had to be recent movies.
Considering it made an estimated $373,062,864 I'd say it absolutely counts as an overrated movie.

Personally I don't equate how much money a movie makes into whether it's good or not. If a movie gets critical acclaim,plus mostly positive fan reaction and I don't like the film,that's what makes a movie overrated to me.

I personally don't think Avatar is really overrated because it seems that more people realize that it's a polished turd,and the only reason that it gets positive reviews is because of the visuals,which are well deserved.
Now a movie like Scott Pilgrim which got nothing but positive reviews,and made fuck all at the box office,is an overrated piece of fanboy shit.

cindy CD/TV

While I think "Reservoir Dogs" deserves all the props it has received, "Inglorious Basterds" is certainly overrated IMHO. I'm not saying that I hated it or that it sucked, it was decent. But this was far from Tarantino's best work ... in fact, it barely rates better than "Kill Bill Vol. 2" and "Jackie_Brown." I dunno, IB was too long, plodding and just too "out there," even for a guy like Tarantino. IB feels like a movie that was made by a guy trying to imitate a Tarantino-style movie -- in this case that guy was Tarantino himself. :facepalm: It's too bad, because there IS a lot to like about the movie. :dunno: Any thoughts?


Closed Account
Scarface (1983) - Those who appreciate the film either rap or enjoy watching accidents in slow motion.

Top Gun (1986) - Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. I mean, like, homo-eroticism EVERYWHERE and yet some of the manliest men to man up mankind fail to see it. Or maybe they do and that’s why they embrace it so much.

No Country for Old Men (2007) - I have an issue with investing my time and money into a story that has such a weak payoff. Was Tommy Lee Jones even necessary?

The English Patient (1996) - Winner of nine Oscars, this Best Picture is based on a 1992 novel of the same name. Though the critics that matter trumpeted its score, editing, and cinematography, hoards of moviegoers that don’t have a voice found themselves California dreamin’.

Lord of the Rings (All of Them) - We understand that it had to happen, but did it have to happen in such a pretentious way? Yeah, probably. We’re just glad it’s all over now.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) - Jack Nicholson playing a crazy person? No. This is Jack Nicholson playing Jack Nicholson, just like he does in every movie. It’s considered one of his greatest roles because it’s one of his first roles that people remember. He’s been doing the same thing ever since.

Inception (2010) - Once again, a classic example of style over substance. Inception was gorgeous to look at, but we’re still trying to figure out exactly what it was that we watched. Did the central drama in the movie really revolve around Leonardo DiCaprio trying to get back to the United States to be reunited with his kids? We’re no scientists, but hasn’t the technology that would allow old man Caine to bring his kids TO HIM been invented already?

cindy CD/TV

Scarface (1983) - Those who appreciate the film either rap or enjoy watching accidents in slow motion.

Top Gun (1986) - Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. I mean, like, homo-eroticism EVERYWHERE and yet some of the manliest men to man up mankind fail to see it. Or maybe they do and that’s why they embrace it so much.

No Country for Old Men (2007) - I have an issue with investing my time and money into a story that has such a weak payoff. Was Tommy Lee Jones even necessary?

The English Patient (1996) - Winner of nine Oscars, this Best Picture is based on a 1992 novel of the same name. Though the critics that matter trumpeted its score, editing, and cinematography, hoards of moviegoers that don’t have a voice found themselves California dreamin’.

Lord of the Rings (All of Them) - We understand that it had to happen, but did it have to happen in such a pretentious way? Yeah, probably. We’re just glad it’s all over now.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) - Jack Nicholson playing a crazy person? No. This is Jack Nicholson playing Jack Nicholson, just like he does in every movie. It’s considered one of his greatest roles because it’s one of his first roles that people remember. He’s been doing the same thing ever since.

Inception (2010) - Once again, a classic example of style over substance. Inception was gorgeous to look at, but we’re still trying to figure out exactly what it was that we watched. Did the central drama in the movie really revolve around Leonardo DiCaprio trying to get back to the United States to be reunited with his kids? We’re no scientists, but hasn’t the technology that would allow old man Caine to bring his kids TO HIM been invented already?

Agree on all of these. EXCEPT for LOTR. :crying:

Now, please, no one hit me, but ... "The Social Network." I'm watching it and thinking to myself throughout the whole thing: "Why the FUCK am I suppose to care about any of this?" and "Fuck Mark Zuckerberg and the :horse: he rode in on!" and "Fuck Jesse Eisenberg, too, that little asshat." I actually got PISSED watching it and only finished it out of pride. Not inspirational. Not entertaining. Christ, I resorted to watching"Commando" afterward just to cleanse my movie palate -- THAT's how baaaaaaaad TSN was. IMO, of course. :angels: :D

sherri blake

Official Checked Star Member
Official Checked Star Member
Inglorious Bastards
Titanic (too much of a love story)
Kill Bill (Both)
James Bond (ALL)

There are others but thats off the top of my head
Pearl Harbour was so shit I walked out over hyped load of crap same goes do what lies beneath oh and mamma mia wad the worst film ever period
Armagedon and Independence day were also so shit I walked out of the theatre for both of them. Hyped but dull and lifeless goes to what lies beneath, braveheart, gladiator, last of the mohicans, cold mountain.
OOh and anything with Kiera knightly in, all her films suck badly maybe one day she will atone for atonement
Anything with adam sandler what an unfunny wanker he is. That Tom green (who you ask) is also something that sticks in my mind he is a dick
Think the film was Freddy got fingered when I was at school this was hyped up but I thought it was pointless toilet humour

cindy CD/TV

^^^^^ Yea, Ledger was good but not THAT good. I guess you have to die young to get a freakin' Oscar. :facepalm: "The Dark Knight" in general was tedious, bad acting by Christian Bale as the title character (everytime he growls a line at Batman, I laugh out loud), and way too long -- the whole thing w/ Harvey Dent tacked on at the end was beyond lame. That could've been a whole movie unto itself. :lame: :bs:

cindy CD/TV

"The Empire Strikes Back." To me, it's the second-most boring of all six Star Wars movies (Attack of the Clones being the worst). "Empire" does have a LOT of good stuff going for it ... but I disagree that it's the best of both trilogies. While flawed, "Revenge of the Sith" hits all of the numbers, IMO. :)
"The Empire Strikes Back." To me, it's the second-most boring of all six Star Wars movies (Attack of the Clones being the worst). "Empire" does have a LOT of good stuff going for it ... but I disagree that it's the best of both trilogies. While flawed, "Revenge of the Sith" hits all of the numbers, IMO. :)

typical dumb chick

cindy CD/TV

typical dumb chick

Uncalled for. Typical dumb misogynist ... you haven't been laid in awhile, huh. :dropdead: How many pounds over 300 are you? You can be honest, no one knows your true identity. Fatty.

I was pulling my punches on "Empire." Didn't want to offend anyone. Well that cat is out of the bag now. Truth: "Empire" sucks. Boring. Horrible acting (Billy Dee Williams anyone?) Leia kissing Luke, ewwwww. Ralph really digs those incest undertones...