How on Earth did HehehehehehehehehehahaHyena get that username?
Has the length of usernames been drastically shortened sometime between October 2011 and now, or perhaps can you have longer names if you get Petra to change yours? Because that's 27 characters. If I head to the registration form right now... it only allows just 15 characters. Where did he get those other 12 characters?
I had to short myself a 'p" when signing up because the field for usernames in the registration form would only accept 15 characters. Now, I don't want to engage in any hyperbole here, but this is probably the greatest injustice of all time. Of all time. Also, again (and still not hyperbole), most important question ever.
Has the length of usernames been drastically shortened sometime between October 2011 and now, or perhaps can you have longer names if you get Petra to change yours? Because that's 27 characters. If I head to the registration form right now... it only allows just 15 characters. Where did he get those other 12 characters?
I had to short myself a 'p" when signing up because the field for usernames in the registration form would only accept 15 characters. Now, I don't want to engage in any hyperbole here, but this is probably the greatest injustice of all time. Of all time. Also, again (and still not hyperbole), most important question ever.