The meaning of nightmares


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'Dreaming is natural, and so is the occasional "wrong turn" into a less-than-welcome nightmare. These stories we tell ourselves at night have an important and useful function. Dreams help us think about and sort out issues from our waking life. Here, the ten most common nightmares' messages are explained.'

I had a recurring nightmare once. For years I would arrive at school only to never make it to the class, at least not on time. I would always arrive in a different building each time I had this dream, only to wander around endlessly trying to find the class. No-one knew where, so I was pretty much lost. It came from anxiety about starting at university. No-one wants to be your friend, people will seldom help, the lecturers think you are pathetic, that kind of thing.

I found out about facing one's fears. So, I decided next time I had this bloody dream I would somehow look at and examine the fear. Stare it straight on. I managed to do this in the dream. That was the last time I had it.

Now if I could just do something about these crappy toilet dreams where I always land up in a funky, awful freakin' loo.

(By the way, when you type the tag 'scary' in the thread tags, the forum suggest 'scary dumb cop,' Funny.)


Member, you member...
If you take a nap and have a bad dream, is that called a Daymare?
The ones that I've been having this week have nothing to do with the ones mentioned. Well, maybe a little bit with #4, but not really like that.


Hiliary 2020
what amazes mean is how strong the fear can be., the realness of it all.
i have been so scared in nightmares that i cant even speak or move, pure terror

i do dream alot that i am being hunted by the law, like a fugitive, theyre always fun.


Closed Account
^^ That sounds a bit more like the night terrors.

The dreams of reason produce monsters: Sir Francis Bacon.

Sleep researchers estimate that nearly three quarters of our dream emotions are negative. Apparently eating cheese can alter your dreams. I haven't tried personal research. Cheese is too expensive. Especially the fancy stuff, like Camembert, Dublin cheese, etc. What I have found though is when things were bad in my personal life, my dreams were sweet.

"Particularly among adults, prescription drugs such as levedopa, reserpine, beta blockers, and antidepressants, as well as withdrawal from addictive drugs, all can provoke nightmares. Heavy drinking also is strongly associated with nightmares.

"Other drugs suspected of causing nightmares include heart drugs, antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, antihistamines, appetite suppressers such as fenfluramine, antidepressants, Parkinson's drugs such as levodopa, and ulcer drugs (cimetidine). However, many drugs cannot be stopped abruptly without side effects, so it is necessary to consult your physician before altering the use of medications."

I took Valium once or twice some years back. Boy did I have unpleasant dreams and nightmares.


Prince of the Rotten Milk