Seeing Alisa is busy enjoying the concert being held in her honor, Jon sneaks back in through theback door of the castle. Fearful that he will find the new throne had been desecrated, he lugs a spare on his back. Feeling he was cheap with the Timmies coupon...he gives her a buy 1 get 1 free cheeseburger coupon for Harvey's (ironically, I REALLY DO have one of those), a bottle of ripple, a key chain that reads "Jon's Biggest Fan," and a t-shirt that reads "I USED to be Queen, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt," before he thanks her for her a playful smack on her cute little ass...and sends her on her way. After she leaves, and before relaxing on the throne...Jon decides not to take any chances this time...and he changes the locks to the castle.