The Korean War 1950 - 2017

There aren't any good options at this point when it comes to North Korea.

there aren't any. there's bad and there's worse.

We're just going to have to learn to live with a nuclear DPRK.

and what does that entail? North Korea holding us hostage at that point? Remember, North Korea has already committed multiple acts of war in recent history including sinking a South Korean Navy vessel and shelling a South Korean island both resulting in scores of casualties. What will North Korea do under a nuclear umbrella that reaches the U.S. west coast?


Hiliary 2020
Wow Styx is really getting big. Guest on Molyneux.
At this rate he may be the next PREZ.

I'm no expert on the N Korea situation.
I do know that I cant blame any country the US villifies for not wanting to be armed to the teeth.
That could be the best way to actually avoid war.
The US has a nasty habit of demanding countries disarm, then when they do the US rolls over them and destroys them completely and a lot of innocent people die and get hurt.

The way I see it is we can either not interfere with N Korea and try to make allies with them best we can or drop a huge bomb on them and hope it takes out the entire government, military, and arsenal.
The US has a nasty habit of demanding countries disarm, then when they do the US rolls over them and destroys them completely and a lot of innocent people die and get hurt.

examples please.

The way I see it is we can either not interfere with N Korea and try to make allies with them best we can or drop a huge bomb on them and hope it takes out the entire government, military, and arsenal.

make allies with them or drop a huge bomb. i read that in crayon. thanks for your analysis.


Hiliary 2020
examples please.

make allies with them or drop a huge bomb. i read that in crayon. thanks for your analysis.

I know you know more than me becuase you watch FOX and the USA is always on the side of good.
They fight for justice and freedom and not to make rich war profiteers richer.
And the President is the commander and Chief!

What I said about the Korea option was simplified.
But in reality it comes down to 2 things.
Leave them alone or total war.
Sure you can write 3 pages of words about it but it comes down to those 2 options.
Yay Democrats!

Just replace the words in this speech with Iran in 5 years ( if we make it that long).

Silly liberals, you really just want us all to die, don't you?

You're right of course. We should never attempt to establish international inspections and such. We should just drop a MOAB in Afghanistan and watch as Iran and North Korea become catatonic from shock and awe.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah Iran. Theyve been 5 years away from having nukes for 40 fucking years.
We would have destroyed that country years ago if it werent for those pesky Syrians.
Hopefully soon "Trump" will listen to Mccain when he tells him, "look Don, I've been trying for years to have my bearded mercenary army destroy Syria....They just can't get it done even after we increased their health insurance bennies".
Time to bomb the hell out of them and send in Americans"

"But John under what pretext?" "I dont want to look like another Bush you know what I'm sayin".

"How about Assad is killing his own people?".
"I dont know John, we tried that so many times already".
"The people just arent buying it anymore".
"We need something new, something fresh"
(Long Silence, the soft sound of Mccains Depends can be heard filling up with liquid shit)
"I got it! We'll invade under pretext of a Humanitarion Action". Everybody loves a good Hamanitarian Action".
"I'll go tell Nikki to tell the world right away"

I'm getting that funny feeling again that something big is going to happen any day.
You're right of course. We should never attempt to establish international inspections and such. We should just drop a MOAB in Afghanistan and watch as Iran and North Korea become catatonic from shock and awe.

There's gonna come a day that liberals are actually going to have to cash the checks their mouths are writing.

Rex Tillerson made a comment about that the other day.

He has surprised me and is turning out to be a good Sec. Of State.

That video was a prime example of the mistakes that liberals make in thinking they can trust those that have sworn to kill us.

Please tell me, was Bubba's speech difficult to listen to in any way, knowing what we know now?

Do you think Iran have the best interest of their region at heart?

Unfortunately, with people like you, people have to die before before we can make our point.
That video was a prime example of the mistakes that liberals make in thinking they can trust those that have sworn to kill us.

I'm kinda with Ronnie on this one. Trust but verify. Or actually verify but verify. That turned out to be greatly lacking in the N. Korea situation. If it does with Iran too then I'll be perfectly happy to see them reduced to a rogue nation again under the burden of heavy sanctions.
But for now I much prefer being able to watchdog them and (among other related things) see them cement over their plutonium reactor to having no access to or oversight over them at all while knowing they're very close to developing a bomb.

Unfortunately, with people like you, people have to die before before we can make our point.

You're right of course. In my many years here I've exhibited no knowledge of history, no insight, no logic, no common sense, no flexibility of thought and certainly no love for this country.
Just a naïve libtard sitting around waiting to be decapitated, and setting the rest of y'all up for the same fate. That's me :)
Have a nice day, BC :)
So with the latest North Korean ICBM test, the entire United States is in range. No further sanctions are going to stop the Kim regime from racing to the finish line with a deliverable warhead. It has come down to using force or living with a N. Korea blackmailing us and others with a nuclear umbrella.
So with the latest North Korean ICBM test, the entire United States is in range. No further sanctions are going to stop the Kim regime from racing to the finish line with a deliverable warhead. It has come down to using force or living with a N. Korea blackmailing us and others with a nuclear umbrella.

Thanks Bill Clinton for this “good deal”

Iran will be launching them into the Persian Guf within 10 years.

Thanks you traitorous motherfuckers.


Hiliary 2020
Iran and N Korea are not a threat.
But your own government and its controlled propaganda media that has you thinking they are a threat are a threat.
Don't fall for the fear tactics. I can't believe anybody still possibly can.
Its only an excuse for more borrowing, more military security spending, more wars, more raping of foreign lands.......none of which benefits any of us at all.


Hiliary 2020
So with the latest North Korean ICBM test, the entire United States is in range. No further sanctions are going to stop the Kim regime from racing to the finish line with a deliverable warhead. It has come down to using force or living with a N. Korea blackmailing us and others with a nuclear umbrella.

I know. And ISIS, and Nazis, and crazy kids and Millionaire Cowboy Astronauts shooting from hotel rooms............
I'm scared.
Thank God for the Drudge Report and the news media for warning me ahead of time about all these threats.

Amazing how a country and the people of that country which has invaded country after country and killed millions and created millions more orphans, has the arrogance, ignorance, and gullibillty to call another country a threat
What sucks is that the US is the only stakeholder country that can practically launch a preemptive strike.

China obviously isn't going to attack their ally
SoKo isn't going to for logistic (& arguably cultural) reasons
Japan can't (even with an amended constitution) because every other country in Asia (even Anti-Noko ones) would be like "It's the return of Imperial Japan! Bad!"

So Kim can literally do whatever he wants, and the only person that can actually do anything about it is Twump. The fact that he's the only hope is what makes it frightening.