The Iraq War, Was It Worth It?

The Iraq War, Was It Worth It?

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I guess it was worthy for Defense companies such as McDonnel Douglas, Lockheed, L-3 Communications, Northrop Grumman or General Atomics

But if you're not the CEO or a board member of a Defense company, my guess is that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfelf and the rest of the administration just assfucked you all.


Hiliary 2020
there are a lot of ways to view this question, such as:
is the world better off now than it was when Saddam had power? are the iraqi's better off?
if it/they are or not was it still worth the sacrifice both monetarily or the lives that were effected by it?
did the iraqi's actually need a dictator for theyre own good? kind of like the aftermath of kadaffy being rubbed out?
then the variables like did it prevent a future attack or some other major horrific event?

several often discarded truths are: the people of the world generally agree that saddam was a bad man, caused a lot of death and suffering and needed to go, but yet after the USA went in to get the job done the world called us the bad guy.
Bill 'i like to use C4 gas on innocent children" Clinton said saddam had to go, that he was a threat and was going to use WMD agian, mark his words, actually did attack Iraq, but gave up when he got distracted with the blowjob thing.
most democrat politians supported the invasion but after it happened said " they were tricked" by Bush.

To me, was it worth it? i dont freakin know.
No and I continue to believe George and Dick should be jailed at Gitmo along side all the other Terrorists.

Fucking hundreds of thousands of people died so money could be made Iraq never needed to happen.


CS Gas i meant. its a gas that converts to cyanide when burned.

You may not know it, but I owe you a bit of an apology. The Waco fiasco still burns for me too, I lay it it solely on the lap of the Commander-in-Chief, and this is one of two reasons why I have severe problems with the Clinton Administration. I asked about "C4 gas' because terminology is important to me, but I lost sight of the point you were making, and making with complete justification. And so, I apologize for trying to set you up for a punchline.


Hiliary 2020
You may not know it, but I owe you a bit of an apology. The Waco fiasco still burns for me too, I lay it it solely on the lap of the Commander-in-Chief, and this is one of two reasons why I have severe problems with the Clinton Administration. I asked about "C4 gas' because terminology is important to me, but I lost sight of the point you were making, and making with complete justification. And so, I apologize for trying to set you up for a punchline.

thanks mayhem. the truth is i'm not a big republican as much as I just dont like democrat politicians.
my mother was a dem, like a kennedy era dem, and i was basically a dem too.
the waco incident pretty much changed that. i watched what was happening from day one, and like most people never heard of the branch davidians or david koresh.
i watched each day as the fbi held press conferences saying that they are dangerous religious fanatics who attacked the atf.
then they rolled in the tanks, the place burned and they died.
And i mostly thought about the kids, but i still did not blame the GOV,
then i watched the entire hearings a year or so later.
learned what the actual warrant was about. how the atf prepared for a month before executing it. the amount of agents, the helicopters with guns, the news crews they called to film it, the multiple missing videos of the initial contact which would have proved the atf's allegation, ect ect.
but when i saw janet reno and her testimony, calling the tanks well equipped rent a cars and admitting they were throwing concussion grenades inside and filling the compound up with that gas, and the effect of that gas.
well i just couldnt concieve how anybody could condone gassing that place up knowing their were kids and other people who either couldnt leave or were afraid to leave. i couldnt stop thinking about how those little kids much have suffered.
lets just say they were dangerous religious fanatics ( which they werent) knowing there were kids inside you dont throw in a gas like that no matter what.
And clinton was calling the shots , reno didnt order anything without him knowing or giving permission first.
i blame him

Now back to Iraq.


Hiliary 2020
If you mean Clinton, then he did use F15Es to strike Iraqi WMD facilities.

Well of course I meant Clinton, who's face is in the video with words coming out of it you freaky bastard.
So he used F15Es to strike Iraqi WMD facilities?
So there were WMD's in Iraq at that point?

I'm not sure really, but I figure a guy who could do this could do about anything:

IF Saddam had WMD destruction when Clinton attacked in 1998, they had already been destroyed in 2003 when Bush attacked