The Gun Control debate thread

What the GOP has been trying to do for the last 3 years and are priomising to do if they won the election : Repeal Obamacare.
What progressives would like to do about the 2nd amendment : Keep it but adapting it to the situation we now have, 2 centuries after it was designed.

People have changed, society have changed, guns have changed. All these in a way the Founding Fathers never imagined. Maybe in a few decades Obamacare won't fit the situation anymore and will need some little adaptations and then it should be adapted, just like american gun policy should now be adapted to the XXIth century.
What the GOP has been trying to do for the last 3 years and are priomising to do if they won the election : Repeal Obamacare.
What progressives would like to do about the 2nd amendment : Keep it but adapting it to the situation we now have, 2 centuries after it was designed.

People have changed, society have changed, guns have changed. All these in a way the Founding Fathers never imagined. Maybe in a few decades Obamacare won't fit the situation anymore and will need some little adaptations and then it should be adapted, just like american gun policy should now be adapted to the XXIth century.
Your continent will be a caliphate on its own soon enough. Some French wit telling us how our society has changed. You're going to see how much it has changed next November.Americans will have their guns while you are grabbing your ankles for Sharia Law. Mind your own fucked up country.
Your continent will be a caliphate on its own soon enough. ....
Mind your own fucked up country.

oh Just BS, you're such a dumb ass,

western europe (except spain) has never been taken over by islam in 1400 years,

even when the army of a united islamic caliphate was the most powerful and dynamic military force in the world

did you ever hear of a guy called Charles Martel

its not gonna happen now, or any time soon, when europe has all the military and financial advantages e.g. nuclear weapons
- which no muslim country,
except pakistan (just a couple of nukes) has in their arsenal

stop drinking the islamophobic propaganda cool aid, and try to learn some facts, about the current political situation, and about history

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol



In other words, I have the right to protect myself and my family…you on the other hand cannot be trusted.



In other words, I have the right to protect myself and my family…you on the other hand cannot be trusted.

wtf does that have to do with anything?

with america's history of successful, and attempted, presidential assassinations,

with all the hatred directed at obama, his picture being used as a target in gun ranges, him being called a muslim, not an american and, literally, the antichrist (by some)

do you think the commander in chief and his family shouldn't receive protection from the secret service?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Let’s be clear here, you rube, no man or woman in this country has any more right to his/her own protection than anyone else. I don’t care how important or how susceptible to danger they may be. That is the point. His remark above is completely hypocritical.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Let’s be clear here, you rube, no man or woman in this country has any more right to his/her own protection than anyone else. I don’t care how important or how susceptible to danger they may be. That is the point. His remark above is completely hypocritical.

And I refuse to be criticized about gun ownership from some cunt from a country that we not only revolted from for this reason, amongst others, but after turning its subjects into disarmed sheep has had staggeringly stupid numbers of stabbings.
And I refuse to be criticized about gun ownership from some cunt from a country that we not only revolted from for this reason, amongst others, but after turning its subjects into disarmed sheep has had staggeringly stupid numbers of stabbings.

2 things

- we still have way lower murder and gun crime rates here (and we don't get little children shooting each other and haven't had a school shooting in nearly 20 years)

- cunt is not a very offensive thing to say to a british man, we sometimes pepper our speech with this word and say it to our friends e.g. "you're a good cunt dave" or "have you met tommy, he's a bit daft but he's a sound cunt"

Let’s be clear here, you rube, no man or woman in this country has any more right to his/her own protection than anyone else. I don’t care how important or how susceptible to danger they may be. That is the point. His remark above is completely hypocritical.
Yeah, you obviously didn't have enough presidents murdered, let's have some more, starting with the muslim communist kenyan n*gger :ak47:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Yeah that was obviously my point because I stated it so clearly. Johan, you are an asshole. Worry about your own fucked up country. And to the butt pirate who doesn't take offense to the word cunt, your fucked up country has averaged 140,000 stabbings a year since its subjects were castrated by its government. And criminals have been able to get guns in each of your fucked up countries and although the gun violence rate has dropped it hasn't been eliminated.

The founding fathers revolted against principles like these and here we are with people like this idiot wanting to bring back the monarchy. We lessers have limited rights to defense and protection but his majesty is far too important. His life is far too indispensable to abide by such rules. How does a person come to have such a weak and subservient constitution? You two assholes have a strong desire for a huge role of government in your life and that's fine for countries that have always had people with a desire to be subjects; whether it's a monarchy or fascist socialism; but we revolted against tyranny like that for a reason. And here's Stompy Foot displaying the leftist elite mentality of "Do as I say, not as I do."

Fuck France for being so weak and just fuck England for being England.
And to the butt pirate who doesn't take offense to the word cunt, your fucked up country has averaged 140,000 stabbings a year since its subjects were castrated by its government.

and it begins again,

jesus dude, you're obsessed with gay anal sex

let it go,

i think if you got some sex of any kind sometime soon, with a woman or man on man, you might relax a bit


and i would rather take my chances with a criminal with a knife, compared to one with a gun - also, there are far less mass stabbings than mass shootings, no?

and there's a difference between england and the uk, but you being such a dipshit you don't seem to know that
Let’s be clear here, you rube, no man or woman in this country has any more right to his/her own protection than anyone else. I don’t care how important or how susceptible to danger they may be. That is the point. His remark above is completely hypocritical.

This post in no way contains sense and reason furthermore you need to quit selling yourself as 'America' because in reality very very few Americans even remotely agree with any part of anything you ever say.
I have read your posts, try and make your point without being a beligerant ass. Many times you sound intelligent but ruin any point you make with needles insults or just blatant spew.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Wait. You're the same cunty shits who think a gun can't save a life. If that's so, why don't the Secret Service carry anything but guns?
Wait. You're the same cunty shits who think a gun can't save a life. If that's so, why don't the Secret Service carry anything but guns?


You posted a gif of someone shooting a black person, so you are lowest sc*m on this site. You and Dino crack me up sometimes. The two of you posted a photo Kadyrov in traditional Chechen dress, and said he looked like a Mongol. The two of you idiots should read up on Russian history.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Welcome back, douche. You posted a whole series of pictures of cops after they'd been shot by scumbags you root for, so you are the lowest scum on this site. You never crack me up unless you try to use that lump of shit you call a brain.
Welcome back, douche. You posted a whole series of pictures of cops after they'd been shot by scumbags you root for, so you are the lowest scum on this site. You never crack me up unless you try to use that lump of shit you call a brain.

You are a liar, members or guests can look my posts idiot. And you should be banned for some of shit post of this forum.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You are a liar, members or guests can look my posts idiot. And you should be banned for some of shit post of this forum.

I will for once admit a mistake. It was Derp Cover. But you two are so stupid it was easy to make that mistake. My apologies for confusing your stupidity for his. But being mistaken is far from being a liar. Idiot.
People are getting shot by toddlers on a weekly basis this year

This week a 2-year-old in South Carolina found a gun in the back seat of the car he was riding in and accidentally shot his grandmother, who was sitting in the passenger seat. This type of thing happens from time to time: A little kid finds a gun, fires it, and hurts or kills himself or someone else. These cases rarely bubble up to the national level except when someone, like a parent, ends up dead.

But cases like this happen a lot more frequently than you might think. After spending a few hours sifting through news reports, I've found at least 43 instances this year of somebody being shot by a toddler 3 or younger. In 31 of those 43 cases, a toddler found a gun and shot himself or herself.

In August, for instance, a 21-month-old in the St. Louis area found a loaded handgun at his grandmother's house and shot himself in the torso. His mother took him to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Earlier in the year a Michigan 3-year-old found a loaded .40-caliber handgun in a closet while his dad and brother were outside. He shot himself in the head and died before rescue workers arrived.

The stories go on and on like this: Roughly once a week this year, on average, a small child has found a gun, pointed it at himself or someone else, and pulled the trigger. Boys are disproportionately likely to do this: I could find only three cases where a girl under the age of 4 wounded someone with a gun. In 13 of the 43 total incidents, a child's self-inflicted injuries were fatal. In two other cases, another person died after being shot by a toddler: a father in Alabama, and a 1-year-old in Ohio.

In one instance, a 3-year-old managed to wound both of his parents with a single gunshot at an Albuquerque motel.

Shootings by toddlers have happened in 24 states so far this year. Missouri has seen the most, with five separate incidents. Florida has had four. Texas, three. Due to the low number of total cases and the isolated nature of these incidents I'd caution against drawing broad conclusions from the map above. But it is worth noting that the shootings don't necessarily follow broader population trends. California, the most populous state in the nation, hasn't had any. Nobody has been shot by a toddler in New England or the Upper Midwest.

These numbers are probably an undercount. There are likely instances of toddlers shooting people that result in minor injuries and no media coverage. And there are probably many more cases where a little kid inadvertently shoots a gun and doesn't hit anyone, resulting in little more than a scared kid and (hopefully) chastened parents.

Notably, these numbers don't include cases where toddlers are shot, intentionally or otherwise, by older children or adults. Dozens of preschoolers are killed in acts of homicide each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But I haven't included those figures here.

These cases are invariably referred to as "accidents" in media reports. But as Everytown for Gun Safety, a group that advocates for stricter gun laws, argues, many incidents like this are preventable. In a study of accidental shootings by children of all ages (not just toddlers), they estimate that "more than two-thirds of these tragedies could be avoided if gun owners stored their guns responsibly and prevented children from accessing them."

There are policy and technical responses to preventable childhood gun deaths as well. States and localities could require guns to be locked up at home, a policy supported by 67 percent of Americans. Various types of smart gun technology, which prevent anyone other than their owners from firing a given gun, exist as well. But gun lock requirements and smart guns have been vehemently opposed by the National Rifle Association and its allies.

Instead, the NRA continues to promote a response that seeks to solve gun problems with more guns, and aims to broaden the saturation of firearms in nearly every sphere of public and private life, from homes to schools to churches to bars to airports and beyond. In a country with more guns than people, it's only natural that a certain number of small children are going get their hands on an unsecured firearm, with tragic consequences.

Depending on where you stand on gun policy, you may feel that 13 dead toddlers in 10 months is too many. Or, you might reason that stuff happens, and that this is part of the price we must pay to protect our gun rights.