I've thought upon this and at the risk of getting a bloody nose, I'll share my thoughts as I try to get a better understanding of American politics.
January 6th was not acceptable. From what I've read, it seems like the President was at a minimum negligent and very realistically guilty of more. It was organized and there was intent to thwart certifying the election. There are investigations and people are being held accountable.
It also seems that during January 6th at no point was the prevention of the certification a realistic possibility. That doesn't make it right. A good percentage of the crowd were probably just average people who were protesting and their emotions were used to overflow and help turn the rally into a mob.
None of that is acceptable and if my thoughts and understanding do not go far enough, well, then I'm open to source based discussion with the emotions left out. Otherwise, I respect your emotions and I'll leave it at that. I typically don't even look at memes, unless they are funny.
Was the same rigor applied to the BLM marches? People were killed during those marches and business burned. The anti-BLM were part of that. This was intimidation, lawlessness, and coercion as well.
The protests that are happening in front of the Supreme Court Justices houses, I would think are greater intimidation than the January 6th riot. They are peaceful and legal. They are affecting the justices home and families directly. It is fair since the they are looking to overturn a ruling that will impact women who very well may be harassed trying to get an abortion and some of that harassment will not be peaceful or legal.
January 6 was not acceptable. (I repeat) All things are not equal either. While I'll attempt to remove emotion from the argument, it is emotion that rules marketing and tends to win the day. I do think that protests on government facilities is the best directed and most civil form of protest. Protesting at people's homes or protesting and harassing people who are entering a clinic under stressful times is the most dangerous and cruel.
It is lost on me why anyone would condemn 42% of the US population for the BLM marches or condemn 37% of the US population for the January 6 riot/insurrection. Passion and emotion more than likely will win the argument, but the logic isn't there.