Bane will probably be CGI enhanced during the editing phase.
I highly doubt it.
I think that this Bane will not be anything like the Bane in the comics.Nolan will probably just make him a juicer with a very high IQ level,so he'll be nothing more than super smart and super strong at the same time.
Can't see him doing anything else with the character if he wants him to be "realistic".
Looks like he's a Guerrilla warfare commando,and that mask looks pretty stupid and senseless.
As for Catwoman,not liking the look at all either.The glasses are pretty lame,and I'm still not convinced that Hathaway can pull of the character,but then again,I don't think that Nolan's Catwoman will resemble the Catwoman from the comics either.
Looks like her character is going to be more of a cold but privileged woman that's emotionally scared,but not a total schitzo like the Pfeifer character was.
I can honestly see where Nolan is going with the actual character traits of Bane and Catwoman,I'm just very skeptical that they will work like Joker did in the last movie.But then again,I will wait for the trailer to make a more definitive judgement.