The Dark Knight Rises Thread


I feel it would be interesting to have cat woman as someone rich and successful herself....But she takes the other path...I aint sure on her origins in the actual DC comic but I feel that would be better for modern times tbh.
Re: Anne Hathaway in "The Dark Knight Rises"

Oh my god! The truth is revealed. After disappearing Batman gets a sex change to become Catwoman!! :facepalm:
Bane looks fucking dumb from all the photos I have seen. We will see how he comes off on film but not looking good. Plus is is going to be extremely hard to top Heath Ledger as a villain.


Closed Account
Bane looks fucking dumb from all the photos I have seen. We will see how he comes off on film but not looking good. Plus is is going to be extremely hard to top Heath Ledger as a villain.

Bane will probably be CGI enhanced during the editing phase.
Does Chris Nolan even try to bring forth the iconic imagery of the comics? Batman looks like Batman but so far every villain has been a total miss. Now it appears Catwoman just wears a black suit and enhanced sunglasses. This whole take on the franchise has been pure shit.


Closed Account
Does Chris Nolan even try to bring forth the iconic imagery of the comics? Batman looks like Batman but so far every villain has been a total miss. Now it appears Catwoman just wears a black suit and enhanced sunglasses. This whole take on the franchise has been pure shit.
But Two-Face looked pretty close to the comic.
But Two-Face looked pretty close to the comic.
Two-Face was the closest to resembling the character but the way they did the damage it was obvious they had to kill him off quickly. The facial damage was a bit extreme in certain areas. Mainly the eye and mouth.

1. Anne Hathaway is not good looking.

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder because I always thought Anne Hathaway was pretty.
Bane will probably be CGI enhanced during the editing phase.

I highly doubt it.

I think that this Bane will not be anything like the Bane in the comics.Nolan will probably just make him a juicer with a very high IQ level,so he'll be nothing more than super smart and super strong at the same time.

Can't see him doing anything else with the character if he wants him to be "realistic".

Looks like he's a Guerrilla warfare commando,and that mask looks pretty stupid and senseless.

As for Catwoman,not liking the look at all either.The glasses are pretty lame,and I'm still not convinced that Hathaway can pull of the character,but then again,I don't think that Nolan's Catwoman will resemble the Catwoman from the comics either.

Looks like her character is going to be more of a cold but privileged woman that's emotionally scared,but not a total schitzo like the Pfeifer character was.

I can honestly see where Nolan is going with the actual character traits of Bane and Catwoman,I'm just very skeptical that they will work like Joker did in the last movie.But then again,I will wait for the trailer to make a more definitive judgement.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Just saw the trailer last night, why Bane? I mean he is a formidble foe, but why not someone like Black Mask that would be cool. The dude made a skull mask out of the lining of his mother's coffin.