You love those oppressed women societies though Sam. You have said that women entering the work force is what ruined America.
I have said plenty on the muslim bullshit religion. but I do not have muslim law forced upon me. i have no issue with religion if it stays out of my life and people keep it to themselves, which most don't.
I think that being gay and being a pedophile are very different genetics.
I also think that the theory that we are born into a world of sin and not until god rules the earth shall we be free of pain and suffering is the biggest crock of horseshit I've ever heard. if he were all powerful and controlled everything why in the fucking baby jesus would we be born into sin? why wouldnt he just rule the world now? why wait? that is so fucking idiotic it's embarrassing that a grown man would believe such illogical hogwash.
a god of wrath? dont live by his rules and you will be damned for eternity to hell fire and pain and suffering and burning and screaming...but of course he loves you???????????? how the FUCK does that make any sense?????????? He is a jealous god? jealous of who?????????????? that's fucking retarded to say the least!! what is he an 8th grade girl??? he's JEALOUS for fuck's sake? oh come on!!! a man who passed the bar and fancies himself an intellectual and man of the world believes in this man made gobbledygook??? fucking pitiful. where is YOUR mind?
you say religion cant be taught, thats because it makes no fucking sense at all. it defies all common sense, science and logic, so of course it cant be taught to an adult unless they live in a jungle somewhere. kids are force fed this shit and thats why they buy into it.
ive said it and you've ALL ignored it... if you had never heard of this enormous laughable fairy tale and someone told it to you what would you say? you would keep them away from your kids. you would laugh at them and think they were fucking crazy.
and another one you avoid because you have NO ANSWER for is that if we believe your cockamamie story why shouldn't we believe all the others? like the son of sam or david koresh or jim jones or the moonies? why? does your fairy tale have more credibility than theirs? they are all man made horse shit stories designed to control and manipulate and make money.