

This version of the bible is funny, but the way Will managed to hijack a thread & keep it alive even longer than it would have been if he hadn't posted is simply hilarious!

Roll on!!! :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :rofl: :rofl:

Will E Worm is a very funny man or woman. :dunno:
I'm joking. I'm sure you are a strong man. ;) :tongue:

:rofl: :rofl:
Sounds like you are about as much of an expert on the Bible as I am on lesbianism.

I guess I could start a thread explaining that too with about as much credibility as you have on this subject.

Stick to what you know young lady.

Have you even read it? Did you get the references to gaming? If so, you obviously have no sense of humor :tongue:

Will E Worm

A joke that was intended to offend those that believe in the Bible.

Good on ya.

Sounds like you are about as much of an expert on the Bible as I am on lesbianism.

I guess I could start a thread explaining that too with about as much credibility as you have on this subject.

Stick to what you know young lady.

;) You're correct. She needs to stick to what she thinks she knows. :hatsoff:



Man youtube tears down good videos but allows shit like that....I mean they banned Athene for fucksake.....But they allow right wing christian loo la land bull like the above???????????



Well making a thread about the koran probably get some serious negative attention. Thats the thing christian nuts are bad but they arent on the level of jihadists, More chill laxed or are willing to actually maybe debate their argument.....In comparison some wee sleeper cell put on a semtex belt and run over to your house lol

PSSSSSSSS> Ultra super sleeper cell....Cause they havent even got the young impressionable dude brain washed yet!!!!!!


To be honest this argument has been going on for a long time......But I truly think that its this generation and the coming generations....That this is truly the age of reason not the actual renaissance as religion in general was at an all time high. The pope in the catholic religion has even acknowledge this dwindling interest by saying it may become smaller.....Catholicism overall congregation......Other faiths in christianity will eventually decline too.......The US is pretty much the last stronghold of hardcore christianity.

Dawkins ironically enough though I think he gets too upset in his arguments and too offended by religious people lol. Will likely go down later as like one of the key movers on this. Of course thats not saying all the worlds problems will be fixed or some tosh like that but we are on the right track.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Sorry, but I don't find blasphemy humorous.

It's okay, the rest of us find it hilarious. We'll compensate for your deficiency. If you can't laugh at your own fictional deity, than honestly, what can you laugh at?

It's okay, the rest of us find it hilarious. We'll compensate for your deficiency. If you can't laugh at your own fictional deity, than honestly, what can you laugh at?


Ah yes. Because YOU believe it is fictional, I should be in stitches about the joke.

What is wrong with that rationale?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
My favorite:

What is wrong with that rationale?

Why is it that you somehow feel you're entitled to not to be made fun of based solely on what you believe but you have no problem making fun of others. What is wrong with that rationale?

Why is it that a lot of relious people think they have the right to try and force their views and beliefs on people who don't want to have anything to do with it? What is wrong with that rationale?

Anyway, I posted it because I thought my fellow perverted atheist scumbags might think it's funny. You could have just ignored it instead of getting your panties in a twist. Just because we think it's funny doesn't mean it a personal attack on you.