
That has little to do with religion, but with the social & political development of people in certain countries. I hope I don't need to remind you that homosexuals in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Malaysia & Indonesia aren't prosecuted or fined & that in many Christian African countries people are still fined for being homosexual? The conclusion that should be reached is that countries where there is a separation of church and state, homosexual people aren't treated as criminals & that in countries where this isn't the case, homosexuals are treated as criminals.

Gay priests are technically welcome, since it's the act of doing something with another man that is considered to be sinful & Catholic priests are (officially) bound to an oath of celibacy.

Amongst the protestant Christian sects only the Lutherans & the Anglicans currently accept gay priests as far as I know.

Besides that, I can't really comment on your post, since I've never finished reading the Qu'ran (I came to the conclusion that it's about as crappy as the bible after about 5 pages).

Hear! Hear! :hatsoff: :hatsoff:

Don't be so naive. They do not all get jailed when caught, cover up after cover up. The Pope should be jailed for being complicit in the abuse by allowing it to continue, shame on all religious leaders for the evils of their particular faith. The fact that one is maybe not as bad as the other is not good enough! :mad:

Hear! Hear! :hatsoff: :hatsoff:

These deep religious folks don't practice what they preach. That's why I can't 'ave any of it, mate. :crash:
Wanna bet if a homosexual goes out in a muslim country he/she receives punishment. I've seen how homosexuals are treated from Oman to Ostend and they're better off in a "christian" non muslim country.
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You're homosexual? :dunno:

No. But two of my friends from the grad program at SCAD(art school) were gay, one was from Ostend, the other from Muscat in Oman. The difference in public acceptance toward homosexuals was stark between the two countries.

Someone mentioned Turky, Bosnia,Iraq, Jordan, Malaysia and Indonesia as muslim countries who are openly gay friendly. I doubt this to some degree.

Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq are "moderate" muslim nations who still have issues with gays.
Malaysia/Indonesia have a form of islam that is watered down by indigenous culture, it is not the typical form of islam as found in Arab countries or even the form of islam in Pakistan.


The One and Only Big Daddy
I like how this thread has evolved but I will say this to anyone who disagrees with me.


I don't see a problem with this:hatsoff:


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Wanna bet if a homosexual goes out in a muslim country he/she receives punishment. I've seen how homosexuals are treated from Oman to Ostend and they're better off in a "christian" non muslim country.
While it's a defense that we see all the time in almost every arena, ("Obama sucks!" "Well, Bush did this and this..." "And Clinton did even this and this!") naming something worse does not make the original topic in question any better.

That is to say, Islam may or may not be "worse" (I'm not making that judgement call right now) than Christianity, but that doesn't make Christianity good because something else is worse.

Certainly, religion helps a lot of people. It does a lot of good, factually false as it may be. I personally think it does more harm than good. Religion breed intolerance. Religion stifles critical thinking. Any religion (even Bhuddism - take reincarnation, for example; the belief goes, if I'm not mistaken, that one is punished in the next incarnation for transgressions in the past - so you can see people with deformities or disabilities being shown great disdain because whatever shortcomings they got they "deserved" from a past life).

It also cheats people of a precious fundamental fact: this is your one and only chance to exist. This is it; your eyeblink in the immense span of time. You came from oblivion, and you'll return to it before you know it. It would seem a shame to waste it thinking it was a warm-up for something else, but in the end, I suppose, you won't exist to be disappointed either way.
It also cheats people of a precious fundamental fact: this is your one and only chance to exist. This is it; your eyeblink in the immense span of time. You came from oblivion, and you'll return to it before you know it. It would seem a shame to waste it thinking it was a warm-up for something else, but in the end, I suppose, you won't exist to be disappointed either way.

This is not a proven fact, this is your opinion. There are only a couple of billion people who claim to be Christian that would disagree with you.

I am :1orglaugh at this thread, though. There is a certain member on here whose threads are quite silly to me. I usually go to his threads, post a joke, and then leave. His threads usually die off in about a day. However, I find it humorous that the atheists of this site say they think belief in God is silly, yet they keep coming back time and time again to post here making this the most popular thread this week. Therefore, in the end, the atheists of this site keep giving more and more credibility to God without even realizing it. Maybe you guys are just in denial. :dunno:

Just an observation. :hatsoff:
Like I said, Christianity has it's faults and epic failures.
However, Islam personally to me is a violent religion and Christianity is morally superior to it in the 21st century.
I say this as an agnostic myself.
I think Christianity needs a lube job, while Islam clearly needs new struts.

I say this as a mechanic.
No Christianity Is fine. Its been around for thousands of years. The Bible is the only book that tells you what will happen to you in the end. Not even The quran can say that.:D
Then it must be the Mormans that believe in 72 virgins after martydom.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
This is not a proven fact, this is your opinion. There are only a couple of billion people who claim to be Christian that would disagree with you.
An opinion would be that I think blue is the best, or that cars are awful. Or that X politician is better than Y. It's a fact, though, that blue is a primary color, cars pollute, and that when we're dead, our body rots in the ground. We haven't conquered the human brain entirely yet, but so far as we have, the mind, our thoughts, our entire sense of self rests in the lumpy piece of meat in our heads. When it goes, so do "we" (this is observable. Just go look at a dead person, or observe someone before and after serious head trauma or someone with Alzheimer's). None of this falls into an opinion, no?

Then we get to this tricky thing called a soul, and that's where, yes, opinions can run rampant. But just where is this soul? Does it occupy space? Is it strictly energy? How does it preserve the sense of self? There's a strong human fear to go beyond death, but logically a soul doesn't make sense (and that is my opinion, and I can support it).

I had a candid discussion with some Jehovah's Witnesses about how the soul doesn't actually exist in the Bible. Never mentioned. Jesus' ability to ressurrect the dead had nothing to do with an intangible, floating sense of self - he'd, strictly speaking, simply recreate the person. I haven't looked into it myself to verify, but I can't think offhand of any mention of a soul in quoted lines of the Bible. But then, how would we get to Heaven or Hell?

...I find it humorous that the atheists of this site say they think belief in God is silly, yet they keep coming back time and time again to post here making this the most popular thread this week.
I already mentioned why opposite views attract here, though I suppose in the end I'm still posting in this thread because, frankly, it's entertaining.

Therefore, in the end, the atheists of this site keep giving more and more credibility to God without even realizing it. Maybe you guys are just in denial. :dunno:

Just an observation. :hatsoff:
I'm afraid this is pretty erroneous logic, sir!
Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq are "moderate" muslim nations who still have issues with gays.
Malaysia/Indonesia have a form of islam that is watered down by indigenous culture, it is not the typical form of islam as found in Arab countries or even the form of islam in Pakistan.

A lot of US people also still have issues with gay people. Republicans, members of the Ku Klux clan & probably others as well (15.6% of the hate crimes reported to police in 2004 were founded on perceived sexual orientation).

Your other point doesn't make sense at all... One could easily & truthfully claim that the form of Christianity most of the Christians follow these days is watered down by science.

We don't believe that Adam & Eve were the first human beings & that they ate an apple. We don't believe the world is 6000 years old, we don't believe that Noah took all the animals of the world when it was covered with water & redistributed them when the water level had dropped again. Simply put, we no longer take the bible literally (at least, most of us don't).

This has little to do with Christianity (just look at how long churches have resisted (some still do) the idea that the bible shouldn't be taken literally), but with the social, mental & political development of the people.

These people no longer go to church every sunday, probably don't pray before eating anymore, don't fast after carnaval anymore. I'd dare say these people aren't true Christians anymore. They'll only fall back on God & Jesus when it suits them.

Just take a look at people like Will & offcgibby, who claim to be 'true' Christians & ask them how they think about gay people, other religions, etc.


sporty_carr said:
...I find it humorous that the atheists of this site say they think belief in God is silly, yet they keep coming back time and time again to post here making this the most popular thread this week.

There lies one of the main problems with many of the deeply religious. You just don't understand things that should be just plain obvious. These threads attract some of the most outspoken and entertaining posters @ FreeOnes so naturally we keep coming back to read what they have to say.

Very hot topic + great posters = gold star entertainment :lovecoupl

You don't need to be rocket scientist to figure that out. :)

I'm open minded so convince me and I'll join you guys.
But at the moment I'm just having a good laugh. :1orglaugh

I already mentioned why opposite views attract
here, though I suppose in the end I'm still posting in this thread because, frankly, it's entertaining.


I can only agree. From the moment I first saw this thread I knew it was gold. In my opinion it's the thread of the year so far. Thanks Boothy. You foxy babe. :glugglug:

Ahhh religious Threads like a Cockroach that never dies

And thank God for that. OPPS!!!! ;)