That's creepy! Jim Carrey confesses his 'undying love' for Emma Stone

definitely just fucking around. come on, its jim fuckin carrey. he believes in the vaccine conspiracy theory! hes just a little crazy and we all know hes got a completely weird and off the wall sense of humor.

still creepy as shit though
"I'm Jim Carrey I get what I want!!!! Me want Emma now!!!!"


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
She's pretty, but I don't see what the big deal is. She's mediocre as an actress.
Jim Carrey is a huge fan of Andy Kaufman, a comedian whose shtick was acting weird while keeping a straight face.

Trust me, this video was meant for laughs and is not a serious declaration of love.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
This wouldn't be creepy a decade ago.