Thank goodness the catholic church is still alive and well...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
*switches to some behemoth ont he playlist to show soldarity*
I'm not a not christian, I like Metal but I wonder why they always attack christianism and never say a word 'bout Islam ?
Fear of getting a fatwah on 'em ?

I'm gonna go see GWAR next week. \../
I'm not a not christian, I like Metal but I wonder why they always attack christianism and never say a word 'bout Islam ?
Fear of getting a fatwah on 'em ?


Most likely because most of the "extreme" metal bands (whatever you want to call them) come from places where Christianity and similar religions are the overwhelming majority, and are a lot harder to ignore than in places like America and western Europe.

Slaves Shall Serve
Metallica should have taken notice, 'cause this is how you evolve as a Metal band: BEHEMOTH; Endless Damnation (1992) - BEHEMOTH; Ov Fire And The Void (2009)

Right now I'm looking for some Anti Islamic stuff... I know I've got some, it's hidden pretty good though, but I'll get it. In the meantime, Nergal's/Behemoth's greatest posing moments (at least they can back it up with their killer music)

Nergal with the Book of Lies
Nergal with raven
BEHEMOTH (Evangelion/Ov Fire And The Void)

Not only is he the coolest dude in the Metal scene, Nergal also has a rather stunning ex-girlfriend, polish pop singer Dorota Rabczewska aka Doda)
http://i26.**********/big/2012/1101/05/cdbf0926fc8c995c81098238b611b105.jpg http://i26.**********/big/2012/1101/83/0a3de4b6630b1df6200ec66977306b83.jpg http://i25.**********/big/2012/1101/84/95bcf620b769285884c8a6f319b12784.jpg