Texas Killer Who Killed Over a Stolen Twinkie is Acquitted


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The jurors & citizens who think it is okay to beat, kick, & shoot a sniveling 13 year old in the back while on his knees & contained have far less courage & honor than this 85 year old Granny who forced an intruder to call cops on himself:

First of all, all of that beating and kicking mumbo jumbo hasn't been proven and there isn't any evidence that it actually happened. It's just what the one kid said happened. A kid, who is a scared 16 year old that is obviously not trustworthy, as he had no problem breaking into a strangers house and trying to rob them.

Secondly, what kind of honor would the jury have in your eyes if they completely overlooked the fact that those kids broke into that guys house and tried to rob him? How honorable is that? Ignoring the law, especially while in a court room, would be the definition of DIShonorable.

Personally, this country gives way too much leaniency to kids.

Shoot somebody and kill them when you're 15? Aww, he's just a kid. He didn't know any better. Let's send him to juvenile hall.

Shoot somebody and kill them when you're 16? What an unstable psycho!!! He should've known better!!! He's too old to get away with this kind of thing!!! Let's send that mother fucker to PRISON!!!

It makes absolutely no sense to me. Treating children like children all of the time is one of the things that allows children to get away with adult-like actions and not have to suffer any consequences. If we keep treating children like children, they will never learn and sooner than later, our society will be overrun with crazy assholes who don't know how to be an adult.
As a couple others have hinted at above, there's a real OBSESSION here about private property and possessing it like some sort of god. Nobody wants to have their food stolen, or even their Twinkies (arguably also food), but it's rather disturbing to me that people place so much value on the "private property" dimension that all sense of restraint and reason is just tossed aside. The homeOWNER, the property OWNER, is apparently entitled to not only apprehend the thieves but to also act as judge and jury, issue a death penalty and perform it as executioner. No distinction can be made between stealing a Twinkie or taking a man's life savings tucked under his mattress (which I can personally imagine getting very angry about myself, even though I'm more clever than to use my mattress). A Twinkie and some junk is stolen so someone must die, and this is seen as justice. It is putting property and truly petty possessions before life, and to me it also displays a profound lack of creativity in how to deal with petty lawbreakers. Uh-oh, you crossed my property, a legal boundary, and you stole those snack cakes, which I have a receipt for right here in my pocket - now.....you must die! What gives with that? :dunno:

When you enter someones property you are fair game. I had a discussion with pops (after a recent break in to my vehicle in my driveway), and I told him I would not hesitate to unload on them. He basically said it's a bad idea and that pretty much crooks have more rights than the actuall law abiding citizen. Tough. If the kids parents didn't raise him right, it seems to me the blood is on their hands. :2 cents:

Well, if "pops" (is that your father?) says that crooks have more rights than "actuall law abiding citizen" (sic - is there only one of 'em? Lemme guess, it's YOU! ;) ), then I guess it must be true!

First of all, all of that beating and kicking mumbo jumbo hasn't been proven and there isn't any evidence that it actually happened. It's just what the one kid said happened. A kid, who is a scared 16 year old that is obviously not trustworthy, as he had no problem breaking into a strangers house and trying to rob them.

Secondly, what kind of honor would the jury have in your eyes if they completely overlooked the fact that those kids broke into that guys house and tried to rob him? How honorable is that? Ignoring the law, especially while in a court room, would be the definition of DIShonorable.

Personally, this country gives way too much leaniency to kids.

Shoot somebody and kill them when you're 15? Aww, he's just a kid. He didn't know any better. Let's send him to juvenile hall.

Shoot somebody and kill them when you're 16? What an unstable psycho!!! He should've known better!!! He's too old to get away with this kind of thing!!! Let's send that mother fucker to PRISON!!!

It makes absolutely no sense to me. Treating children like children all of the time is one of the things that allows children to get away with adult-like actions and not have to suffer any consequences. If we keep treating children like children, they will never learn and sooner than later, our society will be overrun with crazy assholes who don't know how to be an adult.

The law divides people into adults and minors. Two categories. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and it will necessarily be an arbitrary line. Some people are mature at 14, others at 24 (or so). Being consistent and not tinkering with the definitions lends the law added legitimacy, in my opinion, and limits potential for abuse in judgments. You say "If we keep treating children like children, they will never learn..." but children ARE children, not adults. It might be tricky for some to come to grips with, but you're a kid until you're 18, then things change dramatically. HOPEFULLY, someone will explain to the kids how to behave, in a gradual and reasonable manner, BEFORE they turn 18.

Perhaps what you're looking for, Chef, is some sort of graduated legal definitions? Different laws and punishments for children, young teens, older teens, and full-fledged adults?? It might be do-able, but oh would it bloat the criminal courts bureaucracy! (Yeah, just having the homeowner kill 'em is much EASIER.)

:2 cents:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Perhaps what you're looking for, Chef, is some sort of graduated legal definitions? Different laws and punishments for children, young teens, older teens, and full-fledged adults?? It might be do-able, but oh would it bloat the criminal courts bureaucracy!

There are no defining legal definitions for who is and who isn't a minor when it comes to committing a crime like robbery, murder, arson, etc. It's all up to "at the moment" judgment, which is somewhat ridiculous.

Yes, some 16 year olds are more mature than others and vice versa, but if you are stupid enough to commit a crime like robbery (or even something more serious), in my mind, you have lost all privelage of being considered a minor anymore.

Do you realize that, according to our legal system, if a 12 year old boy purposely kills somebody, they will pretty much never be considered an adult. They will get some "slap on the wrist" punishment (comparitively) and pretty much just get away with murder.

Now, if a 16 year old boy accidentally kills somebody, there is a really, really good chance that they'll get tried as an adult and eventually spend years and years and years in prison. The 12 year old boy who purposely killed somebody is getting a much, much lesser punishment than the 16 year old who accidentally killed somebody. Do you see how ridiculous that is?

(Yeah, just having the homeowner kill 'em is much EASIER.)

It would actually be a lot easier to teach our kids to have some fucking respect. Obviously, none of these kids have any sort of respect for other people or the law.

I'm not saying "YES!!! I'm glad that kid got shot and killed", but I'm also not saying "poor kid". Everybody can point fingers at the 63 year old man all they want, but if those kids would've been raised with some fucking respect and not have a criminal mindset, none of this would've happened.


Quite a few dialectical arguments, aforementioned, against Mr Gonzales.

wonder what would of happen if the kid layed a finger on his butterfinger ????

I wonder what the "jury of peers" would have decided if the guy was an Evil white man ! :D
J / K . . . sorta.

In any event - :bowdown: CCT for Atty Gen ! :bowdown:


Postal Paranoiac
Imagine what the guy would've done to him if he'd tried to steal a steak! :eek: