Ted Cruz’s Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment

Perhaps someone should let the republican'ts know that the majority of Americans are in favor of marriage equality for gays, you know considering they want to get the majority of Americans to elect one of them in 2016 for president.

Someone on this forum recently said that Ted Cruz doesn't inject his political agenda with religion. I cited the fact that the Frank Burns look-alike chose Jerry Falwell's evangelical Liberty university to make his announcement as one example and was told that this was purely circumstantial. The radical far-right extreme tea bagging chinless douche nozzle has said such things as “Our rights don’t come from man. They come from God Almighty,” he said. “And I believe God isn’t done with America yet.” and this little gem "Christians should be allowed to discriminate against gays and lesbians if doing business with LGBT people violates their religious faith" and one of my favorites: "Look at the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. We need to bring people together to the religious liberty values that built this country. It wasn't long ago when this was an area of bipartisan agreement..." yes this mutha fucka called it jihad!!!!

But now it seems that ol' Liver Lips has introduced an actual Amendment to the Constitution which would "establish a constitutional amendment shielding states that define marriage as between one woman and one man from legal action” So in other words a law that allows bigotry and protects it from ever being challenged.

His father is as much of a fucking dickhead as he is saying that allowing gay churches in Houston to exist is the same as letting girls shower with the football players. This is an actual quote: "As a matter of fact, according to that ordinance, if the football team in the high school decides that they want to shower with the girls and the girls complain, they can be sued. This is an abomination!" Now I see where the bible beating asshole gets his points of view.

Seriously...just look at his fucking face. If this is the face of the republican party then I'm feeling REALLY good about 2016.

Well it is a states rights issue and should not be a federal issue so Cruz is right again and you are wrong. I don't have as much invested in this as you and others around here do. But a decision will be handed down soon. If it goes your way, I will remain unaffected, if it goes the other way, I will put you and a couple of others on suicide watch.

Oh and by the way, I sent Cruz a check a month or so ago. He won't win the nomination but I still sent him a contribution. There are some real lookers on the Dem side too. We all can't be as photogenic as you.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Blue, your game was old a month ago, and it is getting more and more unbelievable.

Trolling is an art form, if done right, but you fail at it.
What I want to know about about all the Republican candidates is do they actually go out of their way to try and look like smug egotistical uncaring slime. Seriously? It's to the point of comicalness now. Add on top of that my intelligence is constantly insulted by their blatant fake smiles they are horrible at pulling off. They're not fooling anybody. Not that the democrats are really better at the phoney smile thing either. Really those guys need to stop it. Too many of us are not that stupid, and they just look dumb. I know this might be hard for them to understand, but we are not fooled and know they don't give a crap about us.

Well it is a states rights issue and should not be a federal issue so Cruz is right again and you are wrong.

14th Amendment of the US Constitution says otherwise. It's no more or less a states rights issue than protections against slavery, restrictions on freedom of speech, or illegal search and seizure are. Can you come up with an even remotely good reason that's not the case? States don't and shouldn't get to decide on those.
What I want to know about about all the Republican candidates is do they actually go out of their way to try and look like smug egotistical uncaring slime. Seriously? It's to the point of comicalness now. Add on top of that my intelligence is constantly insulted by their blatant fake smiles they are horrible at pulling off. They're not fooling anybody. Not that the democrats are really better at the phoney smile thing either. Really those guys need to stop it. Too many of us are not that stupid, and they just look dumb. I know this might be hard for them to understand, but we are not fooled and know they don't give a crap about us.

14th Amendment of the US Constitution says otherwise. It's no more or less a states rights issue than protections against slavery, restrictions on freedom of speech, or illegal search and seizure are. Can you come up with an even remotely good reason that's not the case? States don't and shouldn't get to decide on those.
The One Four has resulted in more litigation than any other amendment.

Now that same sex marriage is being heard again by the Supremes , the fact that you are citing it shows what a complete misunderstanding or grasp of what it allows. Do us a favor mister legal scholar, try and send that argument to those arguing on behalf of same sex marriage and have them run that by the justices.

Let us know what they think of your argument lol

Will E Worm

Perhaps someone should let the republican'ts know that the majority of Americans are in favor of marriage equality for gays, you know considering they want to get the majority of Americans to elect one of them in 2016 for president.

Since when? :tongue:

Well it is a states rights issue and should not be a federal issue so Cruz is right again and you are wrong.

Agreed, a states rights issue.

The One Four has resulted in more litigation than any other amendment.

There is No "Fourteenth Amendment"!


The unconstitutionality of the 14th amendment

Maybe Ted Cruz want the Us to look lie Paraguay...

Conservatives lost the 2012 election because of a few comments made about abortion by some far right tea baggers nut-jobs (remeber Todd Akin ?)
They will loose the 2016 election because of a few comments made by far right tea baggers nut jobs about LGBT rights

Go on Bryan Fisher, Ted Cruz, etc, keeps making crazy comments about abortion : You're just paving the way to the White House for Hillary (or any other Democratic candidate)
No. :nono:
No what ?
You just decided that this article shouldn't be taken seriously ? You just decided that this is not a valid source of information, juste because it doesn't match you're opinion

Well, you mayu not like it but reality has a liberal bias
Its nice to see that BC sees that his boy won't win the nomination. Not what you said a month ago, but at least you are evolving. (HAHAAHAHA just a little early morning humor for my own benefit) You are a typical lawyer. Doesn't matter if it's the right thing to do as long as you can make the turd smell good enough to pass as a daisy to serve your purpose. Its fucking ridiculous that anyone would want the world to be the way you guys do. All white, hetero, god-fearing christians pretending that its 1955 all over again. I cannot wait til November 2016 and Hannity and Rush and the rest are demanding a recount because your religious bag of shit got beat by 7 million votes. It'll make porky pigs breakdown in 2012 look like a happy dance.

the republicans didn't lose the 2012 election because of that Johan. They lost because their policies are outdated and the majority of Americans don't agree with their views.

And it is a fucking FACT that the majority of Americans think gays should be able to marry. The religious nuts on both sides don't agree because the big book of fairy tales says that god doesnt like gay people.
I never guaranteed Cruz would win the nomination. I said that I hoped he would and that I sent him money. Stop making shit up. Something tells me that some of the more reasonable libs around here have to be more than a little uncomfortable with your adolescent taunting and bravado.
You said he has a real shot at it. Please, tell me you didn't say that so I can go find it and make you eat your words. You said it.

At least there are some "reasonable libs" around here which really can't be said for your side. And if they have an issue with my "adolescent taunting and bravado" then let them speak up. I say what the FUCK is on my mind and clearly you don't like it. You are by your own admission in the far right wacko party so you better thicken your skin son. the next 16 months or so are gonna be tough to handle if you don't.
Having a shot at it isn't saying he will win. I can handle the election results no matter which way they go and I enjoy the political silly season and all that goes with it. I can be rude sometimes during a heated argument but you are downright childish. Maybe some will speak up, maybe they won't.

They can do what they want.


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Bronze Member
I think it is safe to say we are discussing the equivalent of a dead horse at a race. Cruz and his over-the top points remind me of Rick Santorum in the past races.

And on a side note: Cruz looks so creepy, I bet he has some massive closet issues.
I don't talk about US internal policies, but just for the gossip and the record...

the cuckold doesn't look too good either



Since when do we care about how good politicians look ? It's the fucking presidential election, not some random beauty pageant.