Ted Cruz’s Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment

I would NEVER deny someone's access to religion. If you're so weak that you need to believe in a fairy tale to be a better person then please, believe your brains out! I would however make it illegal for religion to be used in political policy and legislation. I would make it illegal for nitwits like Bush and Romney and Bachman and Cruz to do things based on what the lord tells them to do rather than what the people who voted them into office tell them to do. I have said MANY times that I don't care what you believe as long as you keep it to yourself. But christians don't do that. So you can try and spin it because you are a self-proclaimed BIGOT.

Pot go fuck kettle.

We are on the right course. More people are not religious than ever before. Atheism is the fastest growing minority in this country. The more we learn the less the need to believe in stupid shit becomes. That's why the right fights funding science in schools. The catholic church is a perfect example. They have been running fucking tv commercials for years they are in such bad shape.