Ted Cruz vs. Beta O'Rourke


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Ex-Hillary Aide Says ‘White Guy’ Beto Can’t Be Face of Democratic Party
Then again, he considers himself a Latino male. :facepalm:

Some of his supporters have already had the audacity to compare him to Abraham Lincoln. :eek: :shock: :facepalm: They think that because Lincoln lost his Senate race and then won the presidency ... O'Rourke can follow in Lincoln's footsteps. Those supporters don't realize that O'Rourke is no Lincoln and Lincoln was not a traitor who wanted to hand over the USA to Mexico and Central America.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman


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A meme criticizing Trump's intelligence, how predictable :facepalm::lame:

I wouldn't be astonished if that professor was an Obama muppet and what did that professor achieved in his life? Did he end up as billionnaire or as a president? No, he didn't so better has to shut his fucking mouth up.

Now back to Beto who isn't a hispanic and somewhat a metro.

White House insists on calling Beto ‘Robert Francis’: ‘That’s His Name’

"Wax my ass, scrub my balls'’ — this beto O’Rourke from 1988 poem is beyond belief

Fox News Reporter Says Trump Is ‘Licking His Chops’ as Beto O’Rourke Enters the Race

Beto O’Rourke Responds to Controversy Over His Disturbing Teen Writings
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‘Drink responsibly’ — GOP ripped after dragging Beto in ST. Patrick's day tweet

Beto betrayed Pelosi and now he needs her more than ever

Beto takes one question on guns -vives an answer both sides will hate

Beto O'Rourke outraises all other 2020 candidates on first day

Reuters journalist withheld damaging info about Beto O'Rourke until after senate race
I never bought into the "Betomania" and the more I learn about him, the less I trust him. He's just another establishment guy, just like Hillary, Obama, Biden, Harris, Booker, Gilligrand, Klobuchar, etc...


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I never bought into the "Betomania" and the more I learn about him, the less I trust him. He's just another establishment guy, just like Hillary, Obama, Biden, Harris, Booker, Gilligrand, Klobuchar, etc...

Glad that we agree on something


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The Daily Caller said:
In his interview with Menn, O’Rourke spoke positively of the CDC, through which he engaged in illegal activity. According to Menn’s reporting, O’Rourke accessed cracked gaming software and stole credit card numbers in order to place free long distance phone calls.
Ohhhhh YEAH ... we need and want a credit card number-stealing hacker as POTUS. We see how far back his scumbaggery goes ... where his roots begin.

My mom said she heard on the news that O'Rourke had said that if all this illegal immigration was a problem, then it was the BEST problem we could want to have. WTF? His own home town of El Paso is already sinking beyond its eyeballs in illegal fuckers that they don't know what to do with ... and O'Rourke thinks it's the best problem we could want to have? That dumb ass shit stain! :cussing:


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Beto the Metro lost the senate race, let's not forget that he drove under DUI, was a fucking alcoholic and a jackass.

‘When are we going to get an actual policy from you’ — Beto questionned on his lack of policy specifics

Beto O’Rourke allegdly pranked his wife with baby boop

Beto O’Rourke expresses support for banning electoral college

Like Commie Cortez , Beto loves illegals, so screw that sob.

Because you love to bash republicans as much as you do with Trump, I will bash Beto :yesyes::thefinger:
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The Daily Caller said:
Former Democratic Texas Rep. Robert "Beto" O’Rourke was asked at a meet and greet at Pennsylvania State University Tuesday when he would give "an actual policy."

"When are we going to get an actual policy from you instead of just like platitudes and nice stories?" one person asked.
POW! Yeee Haw! Yeah, like someone told me they heard on the news that O'Rourke had said, "I'm gonna fix Democracy." WTF? Talk about vague. That's right. That's the only kind of vague bullshit that he spews out of his illegals' dick sucking piehole.

'bout time someone call him out on his useless fluff.

He can start fixing Democracy by STOP fucking inviting all the illegal shitholes to the USA and defending all their law breaking!


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As many crimes as are piling up / spilling out of O'Rourke's skeleton closet ...
Lock Him UP!
Lock Him UP!
Lock Him UP!


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Huckabee Turns Beto’s Own Words Against Him, Uses Them To Bury Leftist Narrative on Voting Age

O’Rourke Already Began Plans to Drastically Change America with New Suggestion for Supreme Court

Beto Pathetically Apologizes for Harmless Joke, Confronts His ‘White Male Privilege’

Reuters Drops Bombshell Beto Story, Makes Shock Admission Why They Held onto Story for over a Year

Beto’s 2020 Announcement Was So Bad That Even Late-Show Hosts Roasted Him for It


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The Western Journal said:
O'Rourke also wrote more embarrassing prose, with a line in one poem called "The Song of the Cow" stating "Wax my ass, scrub my balls. The Cow has risen, Provide Milk." He wrote that ditty in 1988 under the now-exposed pseudonym "Psychedelic Warlord."
Wooooooo! And they just keep on coming. He is up a shit creek in a boat with a hole that not even that famous Flex Tape can fix ... and without a paddle.

That skit by Jimmy Fallon was hilarious! :rofl: I wish I had actually seen it. :rofl2: He's barely been in the race what ... a WEEK? And he's already getting mocked in late night as if he had already been in office and screwing up for a couple of years. :rofl:

O'Rourke appears to be out-Ocasio Cortezing Ocasio Cortez as far as fuck ups / missteps.

I sure hope the rest of the 15 or 20 or however many Democrat candidates there are merciless keep on throwing these fuckups in his face in every debate and just plain ole 24 / 7. :yesyes:


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Ted Cruz fires back at Reuters over O'Rourke story

Beto Admitted To Eating Magic Dirt After Humiliating Loss to Ted Cruz Left Him in a ‘Funk’

Dick Morris: Beto’s Family Felony

Beto, Who Lost in Texas, Still Thinks He Can Win Texas in 2020

Rivals pounce as Beto O’Rourke stumbles out of the gate