Ted Cruz vs. Beta O'Rourke


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The Daily Caller said:
The congressman addressed the controversy during an October town hall with CNN, explaining, "You know this in McAllen [Texas] — if you are born Robert, or Albert, or Gilbert, or Umberto — your folks, your friends, your community calls you Beto."
Not if you're not Latino, you ass wipe. I suppose Robert DeNiro is Beto DeNiro? :rofl: Robert Redford is Beto Redford? :1orglaugh And Robert Plant is Beto Plant? :rofl2:


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georges said:

Cruz: Video Claims O'Rourke Staffers Used Campaign Funds to Help Migrants
Yep, it's wayyy past time that spineless O'Rourke ANSWER QUESTIONS. It's time to stop dodging the biggie of how the caravan should be handled upon its arrival in Texas. The Dallas Morning News should take back its endorsement ... not that it would change the vote, but the O'Rourke camp thought it meant something.
It's close but seems pretty decisive for Ted. Hopefully that will teach dems that you have to take a side when running an election.


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Suck It! Suck DICK, O'Rourke!
You kneeling, lying, caravan-loving Traitor.
Now you can go live in Honduras, you LOSER!
How'd that record-setting money raised work out for you? Didn't buy you the election, did it?
This was actually a very good night for Republicans. I’m ecstatic considering what could have happened.
And Hillary is still not president.


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Maybe Trump can make an Executive Order declaring that O'Rourke has to stay on the OTHER side of the Beautiful WALL that's gonna be built. :yesyes:

OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH, the WALL is coming! Muhahahahahah!

And Pussy Mexico will now be forced to PAY for it now that it proved worse than worthless at stopping the caravan.
Ted Cruz, first runner up to The Orange Gas Big in the prez primary, was pushed to the wall by a virtual unknown IN TEXAS and the usual suspects are TRUMPeting that as a YUGE win.
Too funny LOL
Ted Cruz, first runner up to The Orange Gas Big in the prez primary, was pushed to the wall by a virtual unknown IN TEXAS and the usual suspects are TRUMPeting that as a YUGE win.
Too funny LOL

John McCain was “ pushed to the wall” after being the Republican presidential nominee.
Joe Lieberman lost his primary after being the Democrat Veep nominee.

Too funny.


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The supposed political veteran Hillary was pushed to the wall ... had her ass kicked up the wall ... was then kicked off the wall into the abyss of defeat on the other side by Trump who was supposed to be less than a political novice. So sometimes unexpected shit happens.


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Even though I see now that Jack alluded to this in the 2nd comment in this thread, I just barely now noticed that the thread title actually says, "Beta" instead of "Beto." Good one! :rofl2: Then again, it is very fitting considering that Beto O'Rourke very much IS still a beta at best and needs more work. He's not a Release Candidate. He needs to go back into the lab and get redesigned from scratch.

Anyway, I think yesterday's results were just exactly as I predicted in some comment somewhere in some thread some weeks back. I said back then that just like Hillary ... Beto O'Rourke would make the same mistake of depending on, concentrating on and counting on sucking up to the illegals and consequently the Latino vote to get him the win. You just can't keep shitting on the rest of the voters and expect to win.


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I heard 2 loads of crap on the News a while ago.

One guy goes, "Beto O'Rourke doesn't pretend to be someone he's not."
Uhhh, EXCUSE ME! He's only pretending to be a Latino! Sheesh!

Another idiot said something along the lines of that Beto O'Rourke was reminiscent of or in the same category as John F. Kennedy.
Wwww WHAT?! Kennedy had enough balls to stare down the Russians in the Missiles of October. O'Rourke on the other hand, didn't even want to look reporters in the eye and give a quick statement on his stance on the caravan. :facepalm:


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I wonder how this works. So with his failed campaign, what happens to the remainder of the money that wasn't spent out of the supposed gazillion dollars that he raised? Are we supposed to believe that he somehow just happened to have spent every last cent by election day? Or should we not be surprised if he just happens to move away from El Paso and buys a mansion next door to Ellen DeGeneres or Lebron James?


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Beto O’Rourke Announces He’s Running for President

Ex-Hillary Aide Says ‘White Guy’ Beto Can’t Be Face of Democratic Party
From the "THREE-FIFTHS COMPROMISE of 1787" (an anti-Federalists [ read: Democrat] initiative) to the Democrats stance on "Identity Politics"... fail to see the "progressiveness" in the Democrat Party. Racism and "skin-color based identity" is an argument for the mentally challenged. LOl. How does one change one's skin pigment to become more acceptable for reason A, B, or C? Pure lunacy. When RACISM becomes paramount over Human Dignity and Respect... count me out, I've got better things to do. The DEMOCRATS have ALWAYS been racist and bigoted national party in American history. (MA History at UT)