Ted Cruz Announces Presidential Bid

Just wait til uncle Sheldon and the Koch bros throw some bucks his way.

Mariah loves to quote James Carville when he is saying things she wants to hear but Old Serpent head thinks Cruz is quite formidable . I am going to do everything possible to make sure that Theodore goes deep into the primaries and beyond if possible. I started a few days ago when I sent him a check. I will have chance to meet him when he visits North Carolina and I will be sure to tell him that you all said hello

Run Teddy Run!!!!


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Bronze Member
Your main goal right now seems to be to become a member of a lot of ignore lists.
Your main goal right now seems to be to become a member of a lot of ignore lists.

So what you are saying is that you don't like my support of Cruz and because of that you would prefer to ignore posters whose opinions you disagree with. There was nothing in that post that would be considered rude or combative, just a statement of personal opinion. Do what you and others that constantly have their panties in a wad must do. I may dislike others and their opinions but the ignore feature is for pussies.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
One thing I found astonishing was the proposal of a "flat tax" and the next step in his mind, getting rid of the IRS.

A flat tax rate that is the same for every citizen is a great idea, if it can be done. Yet, as this articlem points out, in the US circumstanes, it would hurt the poor the most, if not altered
The flat tax seems like a good idea on the surface, but as you point out, even if the percentage is the same for everyone, the burden is not. Does someone who makes $1,000,000 notice $100,000? Sure, but that other $900,000 is ample. The person who makes $100 will definitely be feeling the loss of $10. Like everyone says though, I'm in full agreement that what we have is fucking awful. And I'm not sure eliminating the IRS is a terrible idea, so long as the implementation is long enough (and is paired with serious scalebacks/eliminations of other federal government agencies) and smart enough. I don't trust our current politicians to do that anymore than I trust them to run it. Catch 22.
Breaking news! Theodore will have 32 million in his coffer by tomorrow.

By January he will have Jeb Bush fuck you money. That's my boy!
All you have done is prove to everyone here that you aren't smart with your money and like to bet on losers. And he'll NEVER get the superpac money because they won't back a sure loser. They'll back Jeb more than likely proving (again) that they aren't very smart with their money either.

He might have money but he won't have votes. But yes please, run Frank Burns run! Best thing for the dems your collection of out-of-date old white racists could do for our side.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Breaking news! Theodore will have 32 million in his coffer by tomorrow.

By January he will have Jeb Bush fuck you money. That's my boy!

This is a sincere question, BC - not bait. I really don't know enough about Rubio to be able to say what the differences are between him and Cruz. I've seen that you have liked Cruz for awhile though. So in a contest between Cruz and Rubio (or Cruz, Rubio and Jindal), would Cruz still be your man... and why (if I might ask)?
All you have done is prove to everyone here that you aren't smart with your money and like to bet on losers. And he'll NEVER get the superpac money because they won't back a sure loser. They'll back Jeb more than likely proving (again) that they aren't very smart with their money either.

He might have money but he won't have votes. But yes please, run Frank Burns run! Best thing for the dems your collection of out-of-date old white racists could do for our side.
I distinctly remember a wager I made with a certain poster regarding the mid terms and I gave them an out and they wanted to let it stand.
They also clarified that repubs would have to lose seats and I still went along with the wager and won. I was prepared to place the money with another attorney to hold to certify that I would make good on the bet if I lost, but the poster would have none of that either. I knew they would welch. So now you are just bloviating. I am 1-0.
This is a sincere question, BC - not bait. I really don't know enough about Rubio to be able to say what the differences are between him and Cruz. I've seen that you have liked Cruz for awhile though. So in a contest between Cruz and Rubio (or Cruz, Rubio and Jindal), would Cruz still be your man... and why (if I might ask)?
Cruz appeals to me simply because he has had the hutzpuh to speak out against the establishment repubs who I feel are letting Obama run roughshod over them. He is a Constitutionalist, extremely brilliant and is a fine lawyer. I am not sure how much he wears his religion on his sleeve and doesn't seem to be as rabid as Santorum on social and religious issues which I find to be disconcerting. As it appears to me now, he seems to be against most of Obama's policies that are taking us down more of a socialist Euro style of government. I don't have a problem with Rubio although he hinted at having the amnesty bug but has since massaged his position to something that I can live with . Rubio seems to not draw the ire of establishment repubs so maybe he thinks more like them than he let's on and that gives me pause. As for Jindal, He would be my second choice . Rhodes scholar, articulate, can prioritize a budget and has done a remarkable job getting some things done even with the Democrats in Louisiana. If Bobby runs he may become my first choice as we actually do need someone that can become president and be productive in working with the loyal opposition. Cruz as much as I like him, may be better as a spark plug in the senate.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I distinctly remember a wager I made with a certain poster regarding the mid terms and I gave them an out and they wanted to let it stand.
They also clarified that repubs would have to lose seats and I still went along with the wager and won. I was prepared to place the money with another attorney to hold to certify that I would make good on the bet if I lost, but the poster would have none of that either. I knew they would welch. So now you are just bloviating. I am 1-0.

There is a way to handle this we make an official betting thread, and everybody gets the chance to throw in his/her wildest bets :thumbsup:

We might spice it up with putting in a wager, the losers have to post a picture with a winners shaming sign


I am not getting in to all of that again. All I am saying that if someone is going to claim that all I do is bet on losers and I actually won my wager after giving them an out I should state the facts.

Just a bunch of hot air now just as it was then. I never expected to collect on the bet.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
OK, cool. Thanks for that reply, BC. Though I don't pretend to be well versed on all of his positions (his economic ideas and positions would interest me more), I'm also curious about Bobby Jindal. The Republicans whose positions are more focused on economic ideas than the social side, that I see as rational, practical and workable, are the ones I want to hear more about. No offense to you (or anyone else), but on the issue of fiscal policy, that's why Cruz doesn't do it for me. Rubio *might*. Jindal *might*. I would like to think that even Rand Paul would be a better (economic) choice than Queen Hillary. But I'm not convinced that Paul could moderate his libertarian economic views enough to make them workable and practical.

I just think THIS is the time when we have to start getting our fiscal house in order. This period of economic growth/expansion will not last that much longer, before another recession rolls through the cycle. OK, we can't balance the budget in short order. But we can most certainly reduce the level of departmental budget growth (include the Dept. of Defense). I admit that I'm not certain who on the GOP side can do that. But I have NO faith in Hillary's ability or desire to do that. Folks, we can only continue to expand programs like Medicaid and Defense so much. At some point, the people putting coins in the pot need some relief from those pulling coins out of the pot. Ya know? :dunno:

BTW (off topic), my condolences to you for the Lamborghini that "died" yesterday. Jokes aside, somebody was killed, so actual condolences to the driving instructor's family.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
BC, I really was not offending you. You were away for a long time, like me so I remind you:

I did not witness your posts way back when.

Here's the peace pipe!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I tell you who I would vote for in a New York second: Ben Bernanke. I know nothing about his views on social issues... don't really care. But given his performance at the Fed (vs. Easy Money Al Greenspan and now Useless Yellen), I firmly believe that Bernanke has the economic IQ to "fix" a lot of what the two parties have done to this nation's finances.
I tell you who I would vote for in a New York second: Ben Bernanke. I know nothing about his views on social issues... don't really care. But given his performance at the Fed (vs. Easy Money Al Greenspan and now Useless Yellen), I firmly believe that Bernanke has the economic IQ to "fix" a lot of what the two parties have done to this nation's finances.

I concur.
Just got home and leave again tomorrow. I had forgotten about our wager but in all fairness after the exchange we had and both being banned from the board I figured it squashed.

No one said all you do is bet on losers. I said you are proving that you aren't smart with your money because you're giving it to a guy who will be the whipping boy during the nomination process by people in his own party. You don't know if he wears his religion on his sleeve? Have you even heard him speak publicly? Did you happen to notice the loony bin college where he announced his candidacy? You think that was coincidental? Jerry Fallwell's college? The man who stands in front of TV cameras and tells poor people that the reason they are poor is that they aren't giving enough to the church and that the church should be their #1 expense every month?

I find it incredible that you fancy yourself as such an intellectual yet you make such horseshit claims like "the establishment repubs who I feel are letting Obama run roughshod over them" please cite some examples of this. The republicans have vowed to NOT work with him and signed stupid fucking pledges to back it up.

Bobby Jindal? OMG dude. We need MORE of that Euro socialism like we had in the golden era of this country that you tea baggers love to squawk about. Of course you deny or ignore the facts of why that era was so successful but you also see Faux "news" as real journalism rather than what it really is, fodder for the mindless sheep to keep them voting against their interests and keeping the government representing only a very small % of americans.
Just got home and leave again tomorrow. I had forgotten about our wager but in all fairness after the exchange we had and both being banned from the board I figured it squashed.

No one said all you do is bet on losers. I said you are proving that you aren't smart with your money because you're giving it to a guy who will be the whipping boy during the nomination process by people in his own party. You don't know if he wears his religion on his sleeve? Have you even heard him speak publicly? Did you happen to notice the loony bin college where he announced his candidacy? You think that was coincidental? Jerry Fallwell's college? The man who stands in front of TV cameras and tells poor people that the reason they are poor is that they aren't giving enough to the church and that the church should be their #1 expense every month?

I find it incredible that you fancy yourself as such an intellectual yet you make such horseshit claims like "the establishment repubs who I feel are letting Obama run roughshod over them" please cite some examples of this. The republicans have vowed to NOT work with him and signed stupid fucking pledges to back it up.

Bobby Jindal? OMG dude. We need MORE of that Euro socialism like we had in the golden era of this country that you tea baggers love to squawk about. Of course you deny or ignore the facts of why that era was so successful but you also see Faux "news" as real journalism rather than what it really is, fodder for the mindless sheep to keep them voting against their interests and keeping the government representing only a very small % of americans.

So let's get this straight. Cruz announces his candidacy at Liberty University during one event for part of one day and he is a religious zealot. Compare that to Obama attending the church of a radical zealot in Jeremiah Wright for 20 plus years and he is as clean as the newly driven snow. Maybe Cruz needs to author a book citing Falwell and John Hagee as spiritual mentors like Obama did about Wright to make it even.

If you weren't so filled with hate You Might could possibly see how ridiculous you are being.
hahahahaha filled with hate? sorry zippy hate has zip to do with it. Its disgust that one party is determined to move this country backwards instead of forward.

There are PLENTY of places to announce your candidacy but he chose one of the most hard-line religious schools in the country...where they teach that the world is 6000 years old kind of hard-line religious zealotry. The thing with Obama is that he has NEVER discussed what his faith is or used it as a ploy to get the mindless rubes in line to follow slack-jawed behind him. I honestly could give a fuck if the president believes in crazy shit or not, as long as he keeps it to his personal life and out of government. We saw how that worked for your boy W. He straight out said he listened to god instead of what seemed to be the right thing to do. I'm sure the families of all of the dead americans from Iraq really appreciate that.

And the crowd at liberty U was forced to attend or they would be fined. many students wore Rand Paul attire.

And I know any win by your party at this point is to be celebrated but beating your chest because you won by default due to horrible turnout by the other side is laughable. And you barely squeaked out those wins without much opposition.

Your tactic for rebuttal here is to sling shit back to Jeremiah Wright and Obama who isn't even running??????? Sounds like you're desperate counselor because that's some dead beat shit your grasping for there. You can do better.


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Bronze Member
Mariah, I will make it a lot shorter and clearer than you did:

Everybody who wants to vote for Ted Cruz and similar characters is either heavily uninformed or religiously/mentally challenged or has big money interest over the country's interest. Or, as I detect in Blue's case, he is just doing his old troll shit.
Bush did not say that he went to war because God told him to. He said he sought guidance from God as to how to perform his duties as president in a time of war. Bush also included Islam, Hindus and other religions in his faith based initiatives so he was hardly biased in that regard . I am not here to defend GWB he made plenty of mistakes but some things he did right and Obama has been right at times too.

The war in Iraq was based on faulty intelligence disseminated by the Brits and even pantsuit and bolt neck voted for the war.

Here is another thing, as someone who grew up in church , there was never this indoctrination of the earth being 6000 years old. The way it was explained to us was that in God's timetable a day to God could be a million years when to us it is 24 hours.

I would also like to know exactly how you think this administration has moved us forward . Our foreign policy has resulted in us being moved back to an era of hot beds around the world not seen in 50 years and almost a feeling of a new cold war beginning.

9 trillion in new debt in 6 years screams forward thinking sound fiscal policy now doesn't it?