Ted Cruz Announces Presidential Bid

I like that area have you been to Tamarindo? the village is so nice with some nice fresh fish restaurants. I have issues with Costa Rica though because the government caved in to the fishing lobby and they now do not prosecute boats the do long line fishing around Cocos Island National Park which has been a supposed sanctuary for sharks since 2011. The poaching of tuna and shark there is rampant and they no longer patrol it to protect it from the illegal poaching because of big business money going into the political machine in San Jose.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I see you were busy as a bee while I was on vacation.
Ah yes, very busy with that...one...post...

I guess I could take an hour of my time responding to this garbage but frankly this quote is all that needs to be addressed at this time to show what a complete and utter idiot that you are.
Way to avoid everything of substance, like you do every time. Know the difference between you and I? You just call me an idiot. I gave documented evidence why you're an idiot.

I'm sure the rest of the board has already decided on their opinion of you one way or the other, but in case anyone remains on the fence, just click back to this post - I've got links pointing out where BC's gone past foolish to just plain stupid. Not in the 'oh, he likes X person and I don't, so he must be dumb' subjective stuff either. That's not a game I play.

When it comes to critical thought, that is probably another area that you should not be beating your chest about as to date, you aren't exactly the personification of the process.
Coming from you this means literally nothing.

So BC, as you have refuted none of my points or evidence with anything more than "nu-uh", my points still stand, as have every point I've made in argument with you, because you don't refute - like a politician, you simply dodge and twist to avoid accepting positions you don't like or even credibly defending the points you do like. Your reply here was like this, and I know your reply to this will be similar.

But I won't read it, or further posts of yours here. When I want your opinions, I know which stations to tune in to for them.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Pretty sad that this, ölike so many other conversations got derailed. And it is really sad to see that BC is sliding back in old habits. Rattrap is correct, in my opinion, as there is too much talking big and calling names and very little substantial points to agree or disagree on.

Maybe more vacations and less political discussios were the better path for you.

Back on topic, here is an article with an israeli view on Cruz' candidacy:


Cruz, the son of a Cuban-born father and American mother, would be the US’s first ever Hispanic president. His father Rafael Cruz is an outspoken Evangelical pastor. While born in Canada, it remains unclear how the Senator will overcome the constitutional requirement that any president be born in the US.

A true friend of Israel

With all the excitement and controversy (depending who you ask!) surrounding Cruz’s run for the White House, where does the Republican hopeful stand on Israel?

Cruz is a vocal and ardent supporter of the Jewish state. While on a visit to Israel in June 2014, Cruz stated that the threats facing Israel and the US “have never been greater than they are right now.”


Ah yes, very busy with that...one...post...

Way to avoid everything of substance, like you do every time. Know the difference between you and I? You just call me an idiot. I gave documented evidence why you're an idiot.

I'm sure the rest of the board has already decided on their opinion of you one way or the other, but in case anyone remains on the fence, just click back to this post - I've got links pointing out where BC's gone past foolish to just plain stupid. Not in the 'oh, he likes X person and I don't, so he must be dumb' subjective stuff either. That's not a game I play.

Coming from you this means literally nothing.

So BC, as you have refuted none of my points or evidence with anything more than "nu-uh", my points still stand, as have every point I've made in argument with you, because you don't refute - like a politician, you simply dodge and twist to avoid accepting positions you don't like or even credibly defending the points you do like. Your reply here was like this, and I know your reply to this will be similar.

But I won't read it, or further posts of yours here. When I want your opinions, I know which stations to tune in to for them.
You knew I was on vacation for a week and that I would not be able to respond until I saw it. I know this because you commented on it. So your little rant was nothing more than an attempt to take me to task and get a few high fives from your nutjob brethren here. You have refuted nothing. You have only managed to bury your clouded liberal head and keep bulldozing ahead with with your twisted ideology because you think you are right only to shoot yourself in the foot again.

On the other hand, I have exposed you as not understanding even the slightest nuances in political thought as evidenced by your labeling Bob as a conservative. You have never been able to successfully defend any of your positions be it man made climate change or anything else. You are even so dense as to reference my totally tongue in cheek " scientist of sorts" as a serious point to be debated. Can you even accurately point out in what context I made that comment? I bet that you can't.

One of the greatest indications of intelligence is humor and wit, you have never once displayed any ability to engage in debate without coming off like you have a corncob up your ass. I was a student of politics while you were still floating in your daddy's nutsack and actively involved in politics before Rush Limbaugh or Fox News ever hit the airwaves. Quite frankly, you are nothing more than a Daily Kos wannabe pseudo intellectual trying to pass yourself off as someone that knows it all when in fact you are a fool.

Let's be clear about something else since you seem to want to keep bringing it up. The people that you keep citing that either don't like me, or respect my opinions are of no concern to me and neither are you. There are a handful of good natured , funny and reasonable conservatives, moderates and liberals on this board that I interact with that more than make up for the asswipes like you and still make this board an enjoyable place to participate in spite of you and your wingnut drones.

Perhaps one day, since I have zero understanding of the left and what separates them from the right, you can educate me. While you are at it, by all means point out the origins of the term neo-con since I can't accurately seem to comprehend the concept of liberalism and/or progressivism. To sum all of this up, I just don't like you and it is clear to anyone remotely paying attention that your idiocy knows no bounds .
There is so much to be learned from politics and political discussions. So many in both arenas are intelligent individuals who are educated and have true belief in their opinions. But their opinions are merely that. They rarely quote facts and when they do you better check them because they're smart enough to lie just enough to sound truthful. While it baffles me that these pseudo-intellectuals will defy all logic and common sense by believing in religion, they will demand proof of nearly everything that their opponent puts forth. They refuse to acknowledge science as fact, yet claim that their absolutely unproven faith in the invisible man is fact. They will challenge a policy with an articulate argument that does nothing more than circle the issue without ever actually addressing it at it's core.

They essentially do a smart-guy's version of "because I said so!"

Ted Cruz is a horrible candidate. He stands for everything that is wrong with this country. Religious injection into our government, horrible policy for working class people, he refuses to even acknowledge the other side now so imagine how he'd be as president? It would be his fellow texan all over again. "who cares what the people want! I'm going to do what I think is right!" well look how that turned out. Trillions of dollars and thousands of dead Americans later I think we know.

If you can't at the very least back up your position with facts keep them to yourself.
Ted Cruz has never advocated religious injection into our government. You don't like him because he just so happens to be a Christian. You do realize that a majority of Americans profess some religious faith and a belief in a Supreme being don't you? That puts Mariah and secular atheists like her in the minority. Try going to one of the most liberal of AME Zion churches and let loose with one of your anti religion anti God tirades and see if even they don't usher you out the door.

So I am quite comfortable in professing a belief in a Supreme being or higher power because it is based on faith which is something that you will never fathom and secondly, I am in good company .
The simple fact that he stands with those who wanna implement bills to allow people to discriminate gays because of religions, which is aclear violation of article 2 and 7 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

For those who would sat they don't give a shit about the UN : The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Drafting Committee was chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt.
The simple fact that he stands with those who wanna implement bills to allow people to discriminate gays because of religions, which is aclear violation of article 2 and 7 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights


For those who would sat they don't give a shit about the UN : The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Drafting Committee was chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt.

Please just stop. I could give a fuck about that building in New York except for the fact how much it could be sold for if we would shut it down and win a summary ejectment against the occupants.. The declaration reads like a 10 year old wrote it. We already have a bill of rights and it has held its own for over 200 years. Screw the International Criminal Court too.
The fact that you cited Eleanor Roosevelt's involvement proves just how biased and uninformed that you are. She was a feminist commie lib so of course she threw her support to it.
The fact that you cited Eleanor Roosevelt's involvement proves just how biased and uninformed that you are. She was a feminist commie lib so of course she threw her support to it.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a commie ? Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the greatest president the US ever had, married a commie.
I think it is you that is uninformed. Or deeply stupid. Or both uninformed and stupid.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a commie ? Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the greatest president the US ever had, married a commie.
I think it is you that is uninformed. Or deeply stupid. Or both uninformed and stupid.
Was she married to FDR? Really? I had no idea. Yes. I am dumber than a sack of hammers. Yes Eleanor was a socialist , commie is my pet name for her. Know a good place that I could score some pussies? I may be stupid but I luvz me sum hot pussies. Even French ones.
Yes. I am dumber than a sack of hammers.
On that, I'm gonna trust you.

Know a good place that I could score some pussies? I may be stupid but I luvz me sum hot pussies. Even French ones.
Except hookers, I think no french girls would let you fuck them. They are used to high class men, not neanderthals like you.
On that, I'm gonna trust you.

Except hookers, I think no french girls would let you fuck them. They are used to high class men, not neanderthals like you.

It has been my experience in visiting your fair country in the past that I have had the pleasure of meeting people with a certain degree of savoir faire, panache and that exude class . Now I have had the pleasure of knowing you. So which French trailer park do you hail from?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
On that, I'm gonna trust you. Except hookers, I think no french girls would let you fuck them. They are used to high class men, not neanderthals like you.

Poor georges must never get laid and I think you're being a little hard on BC, he might have a penchant for occasional rudeness, but neanderthal? Pfft, nay, he's no neanderthal.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Eleanor Roosevelt was a commie ? Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the greatest president the US ever had, married a commie.
I think it is you that is uninformed. Or deeply stupid. Or both uninformed and stupid.

Pssst....Johan. He's just yanking your chain, dude....largely because it is just so fucking easy to do! My advice is....don't play the part of the dog to his Foghorn Leghorn.
Ted Cruz absolutely wants more religious injection in our government. Why would we announce he's running at Jerry fucking Falwell's university where they teach that the earth is 6000 years old? He uses god in every speech he gives.

And so you know the fastes growing minority in the US is atheism. Did you know that? More people say they don't believe in a supreme being than any other time in history. We need LESS religion in government, not more. We need none actually.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Pretty sad that this, ölike so many other conversations got derailed.
I apologize for my part in that.

There is so much to be learned from politics and political discussions. So many in both arenas are intelligent individuals who are educated and have true belief in their opinions. But their opinions are merely that. They rarely quote facts and when they do you better check them because they're smart enough to lie just enough to sound truthful. While it baffles me that these pseudo-intellectuals will defy all logic and common sense by believing in religion, they will demand proof of nearly everything that their opponent puts forth. They refuse to acknowledge science as fact, yet claim that their absolutely unproven faith in the invisible man is fact. They will challenge a policy with an articulate argument that does nothing more than circle the issue without ever actually addressing it at it's core.
Two books come to mind; This Town, which is a rather frightening and sad psychological profile of our politicians in Washington (I've mentioned it a few times already), and a humorous yet surprisingly insightful little book called On Bullshit. Between the two, you get a pretty good idea how the minds of these people work.

It's really depressing.

Ted Cruz is a horrible candidate. He stands for everything that is wrong with this country. Religious injection into our government, horrible policy for working class people, he refuses to even acknowledge the other side now so imagine how he'd be as president? It would be his fellow texan all over again. "who cares what the people want! I'm going to do what I think is right!" well look how that turned out. Trillions of dollars and thousands of dead Americans later I think we know.

If you can't at the very least back up your position with facts keep them to yourself.
Let's start now, shall we? Do you have any links to positions/bills/etc Cruz has taken to intentionally inject religion into government? This isn't a challenge, mind - I've already posted about his marriage bill and I've seen enough of his antics in the news. But Supa (and yourself) is right - let's raise this discussion up a notch and bring tangibles.

Ted Cruz absolutely wants more religious injection in our government. Why would we announce he's running at Jerry fucking Falwell's university where they teach that the earth is 6000 years old? He uses god in every speech he gives.
Ah, what an event that was. Mandatory student attendance. Watching the crowd spend their time on their phones or - the best - glaring above their Rand Paul T-shirts was priceless.

And so you know the fastes growing minority in the US is atheism. Did you know that? More people say they don't believe in a supreme being than any other time in history. We need LESS religion in government, not more. We need none actually.
I've seen this pop up on the internet more than once, but lots of shit pops up on the internet, so to do my part, here's some actual data to it. You can take a look at the Census numbers from 1990-2008 here: from 2000 to 2008, atheists went from 902,000 to 1,621,000, an increase of about 80%. This is actually beaten by some denominations of Christianity, so for a better comparison let's just look at "Christians, total" and "No religion specified, total" (which includes atheists, humanists, agnostics, etc - these are self-identifications after all, and you still find disagreement about what atheism actually means - but I'll always use the root meaning, as in 'without belief' - so these all count): from 1990-2008, Christians went from 151,225,000 to 173,402,000 - a 14.6% increase. Non-religious folk went from 14,331,000 to 34,169,000 - a growth of 138.4%, which is indeed the biggest! But keep it in context: Christians made up 75% of the 2008 adult population versus around 15% for the non-religious folk. Still a long way to go - I'd like to see if the numbers have continued moving in the same direction with today's values.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Thank you for directing this thread back on track!

One thing I found astonishing was the proposal of a "flat tax" and the next step in his mind, getting rid of the IRS.

A flat tax rate that is the same for every citizen is a great idea, if it can be done. Yet, as this articlem points out, in the US circumstanes, it would hurt the poor the most, if not altered:


On his religious appearance - first, I do not believe he is such a strong believer. I think he acts like that to draw certain voters. At least, he did not go to "Liberty U" like Mitt Romney did ;)
