Team America: World Police

Just wondering if you guys plan on seeing it. If you do feel free to place your thoughts and recomendations here.
It's coming out this Friday.
Holy fucking SHIT! Saw this tonight, absolute GOLD! I havnt laughed this hard in a movie theater, well, since I saw the Southpark movie. This movie is going to piss off everyone and its great! Parker and Stone dont give a FUCK about what anyone thinks, they really went for it. This is by far the funniest movie Ive seen in a long time, and the whole theater was rolling.

This is a quote from a guy who got to see it early. I'll definitely go see it.
It seems like that Trey and Matt have put their creative minds in this movie. Because the last few seasons of south park are not as funny as it used to be. Maybe the new season will be funny, don't get me wrong the last few seasons has had its funny moments. The movie does look pretty funny.
I think it's going to be highly entertaining yet provide god knows how much discussion.

Thus my intention for the thread. I just hate that stupid fuckin North Korean communist.

It will be nice to see his ass get blown up (in the movie).
i saw it and its hellarious

This movie looks funny as hell.

I plan on seeing it on Wednesday.
saw it...was funny but indeed like classic southpark style they piss everyone off.

fave line from the movie:

We dicks (team america) are the ones who will fuck off the pussies (actors) and the only ones who can fuck the asshole (korean dictator) because pussies won't fuck assholes and if we don't fuck the asshole, It will unload a lot of shit.
Anyone catch Stone and Parker on Conan?

Conan: Michael Moore is depicted in this film (Team America) along with a lot of other celebrities. And I talked about it with one of our producers after we saw the movie because you guys sort of go after Michael Moore. And it thought, “That’s surprising,” because Michael Moore was in Bowling for Columbine, it’s his movie, he interviewed you (points to Matt) on Bowling for Columbine and I remember thinking I thought those guys were friends with Michael Moore. Did you have a falling out?

Matt: It wasn’t so much a falling out. He asked me to do the interview for Bowling for Columbine because I grew up in Littleton, Colorado. So I thought, okay, I’ll talk about growing up in Littleton, Colorado. What he did that made us a little angry is he put an animation in right after my piece in Bowling in Columbine that is very South Park-esque in its look. And I think 99% of the people who saw Bowling for Columbine think Trey and I did that animation.

Conan: I thought it was yours until my producer told me that he talked to you guys. I thought that you had done that animation.

Trey: No no. He asked us if we would do an animated thing for him, and we’re like, “You know, we grew up in Colorado, our parents have guns, it’s just, you know, whatever.”

Conan: I’m wearing a gun right now. It’s just accepted. (Audience laughs)

Trey: Yeah exactly. We strongly believe in guns. So then he kind of did it anyway. So then later when he did Fahrenheit 911, people were like, well, Michael Moore kind of lies and manipulates to make people think certain things. We’re, like, personal victims of that. So we basically decided to make him into a puppet and blow him up. (Referring to Team America movie)

Matt: I mean, he didn‚t explicitly say, “Matt and Trey did this animation.” But he made it look like it. And that’s what he does in his movies. He uses two images together and creates meaning where there isn’t none.

Trey: And he’s fat.

There you have it, Moore-ons. Trey Parker and Matt Stone, firsthand victims of Michael Moore’s lies and deceptions. Just became a bigger fan of the two.
I guess it's one of those movies that u either love or hate. I probably won't see it for a long time. I'm so bloomin poor. :(