Tea Party over taking the Republican Party

the big majority of the American (legal) population is rural; so far you have pretty much made racist and totally off the mark posts...

You're going to have to support this claim with a statistic Philby. Take California as an example. 38million people. There ain't more people in Bakersfield than San Diego.

How many people live in the state of Montana compared to Denver, CO?
titsrock is correct. Population wise more people live in the US metropolitan areas than in the rural areas combined. Another reason that the founders had the right idea with the electoral college.
Were the Founding Fathers correct with the setup of the Senate? Only 2 Senators per state? Is that a realistic setup given a country with 350mil?

What's your opinion on that?


You're going to have to support this claim with a statistic Philby. Take California as an example. 38million people. There ain't more people in Bakersfield than San Diego.

How many people live in the state of Montana compared to Denver, CO?

Nope, I was exactly reversed, tinytitties. You are correct, I was wrong. The fact that many Texas areas are rural but incorporated into the Metro area of the dominant city led me astray.
However...my lack of respect for anyone who thinks rural equals ignorant and urban equals educated stands firm...country folk have a great deal more common sense and smarts in general than the many braindead urbanites I deal with daily.
More and more successful people are moving back to the rural areas to escape the shit that comes with urban living.
It's sad to see the GOP overrun by a bunch of Dumbfuckastanis
I know I started this whole thing and I have been called a dumbass. I find it odd that we discuss this more that want to talk about who has the better pussy Jenna Jameson or Jesse Jane. But its all good.
I know I started this whole thing and I have been called a dumbass. I find it odd that we discuss this more that want to talk about who has the better pussy Jenna Jameson or Jesse Jane. But its all good.

Dude, you're on a porn forum. That means that politics and American Idol take precedence over everything else. :hatsoff:
I know I started this whole thing and I have been called a dumbass. I find it odd that we discuss this more that want to talk about who has the better pussy Jenna Jameson or Jesse Jane. But its all good.

Don't mind the mindless NeoCunts who are insulting you personally for having an intellectually honest discussion about the fraudulent Conservatives who have ruined the GOP reputation beyond repair.

Will E Worm

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
~Samuel Johnson

"All boys love liberty, till experience convinces them they are not so fit to govern themselves as they imagined."
~ Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson was a Communist.

Boswell tells us that Samuel Johnson made this famous pronouncement that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel on the evening of April 7, 1775. He doesn't provide any context for how the remark arose, so we don't really know for sure what was on Johnson's mind at the time.

Boswell tells us that Samuel Johnson made this famous pronouncement that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel on the evening of April 7, 1775. He doesn't provide any context for how the remark arose, so we don't really know for sure what was on Johnson's mind at the time.

Marxism is the opium of the "intellectuals".
- Edmund Wilson

Will E Worm

I know I started this whole thing and I have been called a dumbass. I find it odd that we discuss this more that want to talk about who has the better pussy Jenna Jameson or Jesse Jane. But its all good.

So, you are saying you need a site that is dumbed down?

I'm not sure where to tell you to register.

But, you can over look these threads if they upset your simple mind. :hatsoff:

titsrock is correct. Population wise more people live in the US metropolitan areas than in the rural areas combined. Another reason that the founders had the right idea with the electoral college.

Some people like to be herded into small areas like the farm animals they are.

That's why some people actually believe the myth that we have an overpopulation problem.

Political trends in a nutshell. Do people really think there is a difference in political parties. All any politician wants to do is keep his job long enough to find a higher paying gig. A lot of the founding fathers had the idea of doing your job, getting out and moving back to the private sector. But alas some people found it easier to bullshit the masses instead of any real beliefs. And thus was born the career politician. There are some politicians that actually stand for something but they are so few and far between that it doesn't matter. If you don't play the game you either end up being a one termer or just say fuck it and give in.
Don't worry about the Repubs, they'll be just fine.

There's a difference between people on the internet and the actual voting population (not to mention the actual political organizations.)

The first group doesn't actually do anything political because they hate the government and the way that it works.

The second group, the over 65ers and rural people that don't spend all their time on the internet blogging about how they hate the government, don't have to pay for anything so they don't really want to get rid of their own benefits by stopping everyone else from paying for them.

and the last group -ha! what a great platform to run a candidate under, breaking-down government: Vote for me and I'll cut my salary and get rid of all the other jobs for my fellow party members. Yeah, that'll happen...


Everyone has to have lables, just vote for the person that best represents your ideals. Does not matter what side of the aisle they are one. Fiscal/social conservative, whatever. Just vote on the issues and the guy that you fell is going to get the job done. If I were an incumbent in 2010 from either party I would be very very very worried about the 2010 election, I have a feeling there is going to be major backlash comming this election, and since the dems have the control of the house and senete they will suffer the most.
As Republicans become more rural and less educated, they are becoming increasingly out of touch with the rest of the country. As long as the Republican party pushes the views of a vocal and angry minority, they don't have a chance of getting elected. Most Americans do not want to be associated with the hateful rhetoric and simplistic world view of those who operate as the mouthpieces for the GOP.

Considering that the US has an extensive transport system, which means you can easily go from place A to B, whether place be is college, university, the library, your job, etc., living in rural areas isn't equal to being less educated or even less smart.

It's sad to see the GOP overrun by a bunch of Dumbfuckastanis

Don't mind the mindless NeoCunts who are insulting you personally for having an intellectually honest discussion about the fraudulent Conservatives who have ruined the GOP reputation beyond repair.

Please participate in the discussion next time instead of just calling people, whom you obviously disagree with, names.
Everyone has to have lables, just vote for the person that best represents your ideals. Does not matter what side of the aisle they are one. Fiscal/social conservative, whatever. Just vote on the issues and the guy that you fell is going to get the job done. If I were an incumbent in 2010 from either party I would be very very very worried about the 2010 election, I have a feeling there is going to be major backlash comming this election, and since the dems have the control of the house and senete they will suffer the most.

people shouldn't vote against their own best interests by voting for fraudulent Republicans who have a track record that proves that they are not genuinely fiscal conservatives nor alpha heterosexuals as many self-loathing anti-gay NeoCons pretend to be LOL