tasting your own cum !!!


Member, you member...
Now you need to share a threesome vid with your wife and the taste will go away.


Retired Moderator
The more you know...
Oh wait, that was another jacked thread :D
Again. If you can't take the heat get the fuck out the kitchen. If you so Homo-panic'ed or grossed out by your own body but you want a woman to ingest what you won't? Cracka' please.

Now, I can accept the gross out factor for being wary of cum. Fine. As long as you don't expect your girl to do what you won't. But if you're freaked out over your own cum becuase of some Homosexual intonation? You are being ridiculous and irrational. Amazing how freaked out and absolutist America gets about sexuality.

"In America sex is an obsession. For the rest of the world it is fact"
Marlena Dieitrich

It's cum. Not poison or Magical Fairy (Making) Juice. So relax pull ON to the bar and have yourself a shot. :scream:

Seacrest Out,
D to the Mc.
I wouldn't do it but from what my gf has told me, it all depends on what you eat
depends on the taste and that goes for both men and women. She did say if the guy or girl drinks pineapple juice it makes it taste better. Considering she has been with other girls before, and of course now me. She would know


I love cumming in my girls mouth and she giving it back to me. I wish more pornstars did this, it's so hot.
Sure i did tasted my own cum, as a kid after masturbating and out of curiosity, but I must tell you If Briana Banks would like to kiss me after performing fellatio on me (and I'm dreaming my ass off here so stop laughing) I wouldn't start refusing that kiss on grounds that I would taste my own cum, my point being that you should never say never and that in bed everithing goes.


Member, you member...
Originally Posted by analfan
Ok jod I don't even want to know why you have that link

Maybe he was doing some 'research' for the thread - Qwerety

Gotta stay on topic, you know. lol