Swine Flu

Nyquil, Sprite, and Cambell's Chicken Noodle Soup.

Problem solved.
Nyquil, Sprite, and Cambell's Chicken Noodle Soup.

Problem solved.

Campbell soup ... Mm-mm good ... Possibilities!



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I am sooo ready for an assload of old people and immunodeficient people to just 'go away'.

On the really bright side.. like someone earlier mentioned, YES! New job openings ALL OVER THE FRIGGIN' PLACE! WHOOHAH!


what the fuck you lookin at?
So really, this is just like any other strain of influenza...nothing special about it at all!
Sars was supposed to kill us and so was the bird flu. we'll be fine. these friggin' news outlets need to stop playing the scare tactic game to get ratings.

This. Unless I come down with a cold, I'm not worrying about a damn thing. I usely have a cold once a year and i already had a cold this year and i had the flu shot.
As Bill Hicks would say, another smoke screen to keep us from realizing how the government is fucking us. I can't wait to see people lined up at city parks for the drive-thru innoculations. The government did a practice run last year. No telling what is in the serum - ID chips, poison, maybe even actual vaccine.

could not have said it any better


Take a Hit, Spunker!
The county health dept. here is testing someone to see if the swine flu is here or not. This flu's scary and I hope it's contained real soon.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Well, other than in some places it has a fatality rate of betweek 10% and 15%, (which is pretty damn high) it's similar to them.

Your talking about Mexico. They have substandard health care.
The kid who died in the US wasn't even american.
People have already been cured from the swine flu already. It's not as bad as the media tells you.
The docs recomend lots of fluids, and plenty of rest.


It's good to be the king...
Standard procedure for ordinary colds and seasonal flu...

Yeah. Bassically. I mean... Swine flu could be lethal if you live in a place with sketchy health care, or in poverty. Even more so if you happen to be a child. But other than that?

It's not that big of a deal.