Swine Flu


It's good to be the king...
Is that susposed to be mean something?
THey're overhyping it IMO.

According to the WHO (and BBC), a phase five alert means human-to-human transmission in at least two countries - one step before officially declaring a pandemic.

  • Mexico: 159 suspected deaths - seven confirmed cases
  • US: one death, at least 91 confirmed cases
  • Canada: 13 confirmed cases
  • UK: 5 confirmed cases
  • Spain: 10 confirmed cases
  • Germany, New Zealand: 3 confirmed cases each
  • Israel: 2 confirmed cases
  • Austria: 1 case

According to the BBC, it's a new version of the H1N1 strain which caused the 1918 "Spanish" flu pandemic. Up to 40% of the world's population were infected back then, and more than 50 million people died, with young adults particularly badly affected - that pandemic supposedly lasted from March 1918 to June 1920.

But conditions caused by WW1 contributed to the spread of that outbreak

Folks, lets get real - every now and then pandemics happen - as in the case of the Hong Kong flu in the late sixties, and we now have medication which (if applied early) will reduce the severity of this flu.

The way I see it, our main enemy is hysteria (as in the case of those folks who paid approx £50 to a private doctor in order obtain Tamiflu, even though they are fit as a fiddle).
Or as my teacher used to say - man is intelligent; people are stupid.

I'll start worrying when the dolphins begin singing "so long and thanks for all the fish"....:D
Well, eat, drink and be merry 'cause tomorrow we die. And I was really looking forward to go get some this weekend in Mexico, oh, well :(
I made the mistake of buying a news paper this morning while doing a bit of shopping. When I got home I started to read it and came across an article about if the swine flu reaches global proportions and hospitals will be forced to evict the ill and make way for those with the flu, and how a lottery system will appear to see who gets a bed, ect.

I don't know about you guys, but I lost my appetite this morning while reading that article. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Then when I was signing into my email on Yahoo the news section had three articles on the subject. I realise the virus might not effect me at all during this whole outbreak. But you never know what is around the corner... for any of us.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
The CDC said Swine flu is no more dangerous then the regular flu that kills 36,000 Americans each year. How come people don't freak out about that many people being killed by the flu? The media is going to milk this for all they can for their ratings. Remember all the crap they did on SARS? Only 800 people died from that in all. You can't listen to the hype of the media.


It's good to be the king...
To quote from a certain book, TV series (and so-so movie):


Swine flu does not seem to be spreading in a sustained way outside North America, a World Heath Organization official says.

Swine flu spread 'not sustained'

Mexico has revised down the suspected death toll from swine flu from 176 to 101, indicating that the outbreak may not be as bad as was initially feared

Flu death toll 'less than feared'

Preliminary analysis of the swine flu virus suggests it is a fairly mild strain, scientists say.

It is believed that a further mutation would be needed in order for the H1N1 virus to cause the mass deaths that have been estimated by some.

But at this point, it is impossible to predict with any accuracy how the virus will continue to evolve.

What scientists know about swine flu


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Heh. Oh noes!

As has been stated several times, it's really no big deal. I had it the other month. Half my friends got it. And we all kicked it in about a week's time, with or without any medical intervention (I never went to see a doctor, so it could very well have been the regular flu...but a flu!).

Granted, it was a crappy week. But hardly scary.