Using the Force, Luke could defend against just about anything Superman could do to him. Superman may be fast, but the Force gives Luke premonitory reflexes for anything he could try. A Force Grip would render Superman utterly impotent, since under the influence of the Force, the very matter that he is made of would nullify his strength. In a one-on-one fight, a Jedi is effectively invincible against a non-Jedi/Sith, including Superman.
Now the question becomes, what effect would a lightsaber have on Superman? Superman can fly through the core of a star, so I doubt a loop of highly charged plasma would have much effect. So Luke would have to either imploy Kryptonite or a red star. Either is plausible, however. For all of Superman's powers, nothing is ever said of his mind being any different than yours or mine (as far as I know), so he would be fully susceptible to Jedi Mind Tricks. Luke could lead him like a puppy dog to a red star based solar system and then slice & dice with ease.
No question: Luke by a mile.