sunrise adams

Twin sisters Mocha and Chocolate have appeared in scenes together *working* the same guy.

However, does anyone really think a 3 year old played with herself? I love Sunrise, she is beautiful, but come on. Think about that guys. In reality, getting excited about a small child masturbating is fucking gross.
met19 said:
no shit...anyone that enjoys that stuff deserves what they get in jail and in hell...

lol take it easy mate :p
Dirty Sanchez said:
However, does anyone really think a 3 year old played with herself?

you'd be surprised. at that age the child doesn't consider it sexual, they don't know what sexuality is. but to them it is pleasurable very similar to eating candy.
She's Very Beautiful & Very Pretty & Very Sexy & Very Geagous & Very Hot. :) :thumbsup:
I dont know if I believe that she did masterbate at age 3 or not
.As said above a 3 year old masterbating is not hot.Not nessisarly wrong if she leaned it on her own i guess. What bothers me more is that it was the aunt who taught the sister who in turn taught Sunrise ( if the story is true). That is so wrong on a lot of levels. That aunt should have been held accoutable for that.

Just read a day ago about a case i think here in NY area. Mother went shopping with her 13 year old daughter and her friend ( 14) and stayed at a hotel since the shopping mall was so far away. While at the hotel she let 2 guys she met that day have sex with her daughter and her daughters friend in the hotel room while she watched , after getting them drunk. She told the cops they were going to have sex one dayso get it over with??? Hopefully she never gets custody of her daughter again and spends a few years in jail. She was arrested for rape since she facilitated it.
I Masterbated when I Was 3 :eek: :)