Yes, I have attempted it. My time away from the board was filled with thoughts and attempts; I have the scars to prove it. I had at least three serious attempts; I tried carbon monixide poisoning, overdosing, and slitting my throat. I was found after slitting my throat and I was taken to the psych ward at the hospital for two months. Fortuantely or unfortunately, my friend had the sense to take all the firearms that I own before I became serious about suicide. As of now, I still believe that I am going to do it; it is only a matter of when, really.
P.S. I apologize for being serious in what possibly has been a funny thread.
I feel that most people tend to brush the thoughts away when they occur, but, unfortunately, there are people like me that become slaves to suicidal thoughts and actually end up acting on them.
I feel the same way. But, on the bright side, the intensity and frequency of my suicidal thoughts have definitely gone down during the past few years. Sure, there are days where I don't even want to get out of bed, but I'm definitely not as bad as I used to be. It seems impossible at the moment - trust me, I've been there - but, things do end up getting better.
I used to think it was unfortunate that I am suicidal, but I don't anymore. I mean, it is unfortunate to some, I know, but to me? Not really. I decided a long time ago that it is nothing to be ashamed of and it doesn't make me a failure or a coward to feel like checking out early, as I call it. If I have learnt one thing from being in the hospital, it is that depression/suicidal thoughts are a medical condition. Therefore, am I more of a failure by commiting suicide than someone who, for example, fails in their fight against cancer? I see no difference between the two; both are medical conditions/diseases that can be treated. The only difference that I can see is that to commit suicide means you take your own life. However, how different is that than a person who refuses medical treatment due to their personal beliefs and dies as a result?
A) The intensity of mine has gone down as well, but it is not like there is much of a difference. For the most part, I am still as depressed and as miserable as I was when it was at its strongest. My suicidal thoughts have taken on more of a waiting approach; it will happen, but I don't know when. Most days are days that I don't even want to get out of bed; B) if I can quote Lethal Weapon: "Every single day I wake up and I think of a reason not to do it". The fact that I have lasted this long is nothing short of a miracle, in my eyes.
if I can quote Lethal Weapon: "Every single day I wake up and I think of a reason not to do it". The fact that I have lasted this long is nothing short of a miracle, in my eyes.
B) No, no you can't quote Lethal Weapon.