You realize you probably have Muslim fans, right?
Are you suggesting that i should be or that you are ok with selling mine/your convictions and beliefs for a site membership or a webcam session?
I can name a good chunk of stores, in both Finland and the US, where I can't buy certain things because of Christians not finding it acceptable.
You seem to have spare time to generically post about them on a thread about something different, so why don't you open a thread and name them? Here we are talking about an episode concerning the Muslim community, not the Christian one.
I don't like having their religion shoved down my throat, but as much as it annoys me, as an Atheist, I'm not going to throw a fucking fit over it.
You don't like religions shoved down your throat, but you complain when somebody else doesn't like it either and you rather have religion shoved down your throat because you don't throw a fucking fit over it. I'm not following you, here.
And yes, my point about Christianity IS relevant.
Your point about Christianity is irrelevant on a thread where we talk about something completely different. Nobody has suggested that if Subway imposed anything due to Christian community pressures would have been ok: in fact i would equally disagree. We're simply not talking about that. But hey, if it makes you feel good to talk about how also bad communism is on a thread about how bad fascism is, go ahead.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are three windows of the same house. These kind of scare pieces by the Daily Mail and their UKIP fanboys need to end. Anyone who's actually studied religion knows this is just an embarrassment.
Unfortunately those 3 Abrahamic religions don't share the same doctrine at all.
You Might be interested in knowing that Socialism Fascism and Nazism are three windows of the same house.
larss said:
What you have continuously ignored in this thread is that it is the market that have dictated this change and not Muslim pressures. If it was such a bad move by the company for the shops in those areas, then the local communities involved would have had more to say and argue about. Also main source is the Daily Mail - a right wing paper that is famous for its scaremongering sensationalism.
I haven't ignored that some people like you say that it is the market that have dictated this change. I respect that you see it like this; i simply disagree. Market logic would want that as long as there are pork eating people in a community you would keep serving pork too. Let's assume that areas where they cut pork off are made of 90% Muslim community: what's the logic in cutting 10% of potential clients off? Logic would want you to serve both halal products and pork. That's why is reasonable to think that it is a much more political issue than you think. Now, you can agree or disagree with me, but that's a completely different matter; in fact it's exactly the core of a discussion, confronting each other over different views.
About the Daily Mail, the news has been reported by many other media and the news has been confirmed: DM being rubbish or not, Subway has cut pork off their menus in those areas.