Strikeout: Pitch Invader Fan Shot With Taser


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Oh I heard this shit this morining on ESPN and damn near burnt my dick off by spilling hot coffee on it because I was laughing so damn hard. Little terd got what he deserved. He's just lucky that one of the athletes didn't decide to go medieval on his ass. I bet had he done this shit at a Football game or Hockey game he'd be sans some teeth about now.

Got this snapshot a few minutes ago. Can anyone come up with a caption for it?

"I said I need to see your papers!!!!! NOW!!!!!!"
Why is everyone suddenly shocked that police user tasers? Ever since the whole, "Don't Tase Me, Bro" incident, everyone has acted like these devices haven't been used for the better part of 20 years.
I don't see the problem here. And it's not like they see the guy and immediately think 'hey he's only 17.' Like they can really tell, especially in those circumstances.
Let me ask people this. If tasers didn't exist and the guard had a gun would the guard have been justified in pulling out a gun and shooting him? If the answer is no then the taser shouldn't have been used.

When tasers first came out we were told they would only be used as a non-lethal substitute for the use of guns in situations where guns would have been used instead and in situations where the person was being and obvious danger. Now tasers are being used as a wide ranging utility tool for a law enforcement’s convenience. I have a big problem with that.
Oh I heard this shit this morining on ESPN and damn near burnt my dick off by spilling hot coffee on it because I was laughing so damn hard. Little terd got what he deserved. He's just lucky that one of the athletes didn't decide to go medieval on his ass. I bet had he done this shit at a Football game or Hockey game he'd be sans some teeth about now.

Got this snapshot a few minutes ago. Can anyone come up with a caption for it?

''I'm in the clear, he's miles behind''